Tuesday, June 16, 2009

25 years......

Oh my goodness, it seems like it was just yesterday. My wife, Della, and I were married in 1984 on this day the sixteenth of June. I will not show you any after picture of today as these two photos make us look pretty good, why spoil it. We were married in Della's home Lutheran Church, that was a beautiful stone, European Gothic building. We had a traditional wedding as was done back then with a reception in the church basement.
After the wedding, we drove my 1979 Chevy Malibu to Colorado for our honeymoon. It seems things have changed so much since then. All of our parents are gone now and the boys are out of state, one married and another to be married in August. We are ready for our next phase in our lives though, as we have an empty nest and an urge to travel. Thanks for reading.....


  1. Aw! I hope you both enjoy the day to the fullest.

    And, strangely enough, her dress looks almost exactly like my mom's...and your suit looks exactly like my dad's on their wedding day in '81, without the bow tie.

  2. Happy 25th Anniversary. May you and your DH have a wonderful celebration and continue to make loving memories together. Each day is a gift.

    Congratulations ~ FlowerLady

  3. Awww! Thats sweet. Wedding photos make me all happy inside. :)

  4. A beautiful picture of you both !
    Time seems to stand still doesn't it, before you turn around, you've spent a lifetime together.
    Thanks for sharing your "personal bliss".....

  5. Congratulations on your 25th anniversary. May you and your DH have many more love filled years together.


  6. This is such a wonderful post and a wonderful memory for the two of you, I am sure. My husband and I would have been married 24 years on August 5 of this year, had he lived. As it is, we made 16 years of joyful times together. I love seeing these photos of you and Della. I bet those 25 years went by real fast, didn't they?
