Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Barns and snow on the mountain....

I had a request to show more sides of the barn that my Dad had built for our young boys many years ago. I explained earlier in another blog that the cat thinks it is a great for her day long naps. She is an old cat so sleeping is her main job. We have noticed that when it gets really warm she just moves down to the lower floor. In this picture you can see she is looking out ot the haymow door. She gaurds our property to keep stray neighbor cats at least fifty feet away from the front door.
So maybe this winter I can finally bring it in and put it in the basement. The barn was simply made but the boys sure used it for a garage and storing blocks.
When I was a kid on the farm, my folks would visit the neighbors whose last name was Deao. Ella Deao loved to garden and had a traditional flower garden. She had a very long row of snow on the mountain and in front of that was alyssum. She would give me starts for both of them but it would take more than a miracle for me to get them to grow. I believe she had moss rose also. They also had a many armed bracket that held from handles, the cone shapes that were the headlights from old model T fords. They would plant geraniums in them. I can get a picture of that in the future as I have a neighbor who has one of those still today. I just thought of that just now. Anyway, the goutweed is a weed to some people but I love it on the north side of the house where it is shady and dry all summer. It is a great ground cover. I like the colors and textures of the plant.
I planted some basil plants today. They had been started from seed and neglected due to my absent mindedness. They were in the spare room, hanging on and I finally planted them in the ground. I have a cactus story to tell you about after I get pictures. Salvage everything and throw away nothing. that makes for a lot of stuff. Thanks for reading........
Oh yes the raspberry pie is wonderful. We are going to buy a topping for today.


  1. Thank you Larry for showing different views of that wonderful barn. How nice to have something that brings back memories of your youth. Yellow Kitty looks like she's queen of the barn.

    I also grow snow on the mountain. It's a lovely shrub, but sometimes ours get attacked by a moth that eats the whole things almost to nothing. That's always depressing. I cut them back and pretty soon they are growing and filling out the spaces where they were again.

    Enjoy your evening and the rest of your week.


  2. The kitty is adorable and Love the Bishops Weed... it should be blooming soon.
    Happy Bloom Tuesday Friend!

  3. The barn is a treasure...
    Kitty seems to think it is her abode, and she looks very comfortable in it.
    Your flowers are looking forever beautiful, you should be a full-time gardener !
    Thanks for sharing the pictures with us, they truly inspire me.

  4. Larry, I love the old barn, what a great plaything for your boys, and now yellow kitty has declared it home..recycling at it's best!:)
