Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dogs a waiting......

When I am working in the backyard it is mandatory to have the dogs out there with me. They don't like the mower noise but I was running the weedeater and that doesn't bother them. Barabus, Barney, is always first in line to get in the door. No one can move fast enough for him but he tolerates our slowness. He is a very kindhearted dog and actually patient even when he doesn't want to be. We bought him from a rescue organization when he was seven months old and he was young, thin, and scared of everything. He still has a lot of fears.
Button is our ten year old poodle. He just had a new clip with scissors and he is looking very sporty. Button is our baby and could tolerate being held, carried or on our laps twenty four hours a day.
The two of them are like Mutt and Jeff but do love each other. They are a team at keeping the cats away from the yard and any squirrels or birds that might wander in to the yard. The yard is fenced in so it is nice to let them just wander and be free.
In the photo you also get a good shot of my grass laden tennis shoes. I can't wear them into any house after the weed eater has splattered on them.
I got a lot of things done outside today, cutting down a dead cherry tree, mowing the orchard area, trimming the entire back yard. I am kind of stiff and sore tonight but it is good to get the work done.
Thanks for reading.....


  1. They are a a cute pair. I always bring my dog outside when I'm working, they are nice company to have.

  2. Cute dogs! The little white one reminds me of my first dog.;D

    About the quilt comment you left on my blog.
    OMG! You are so lucky! Please do your research and learn everything you can about the history of these quilts. There are books out there that will help you date them. Also, there are certain ways to store old quilts. Never store them in plastic bags or near a window.
    You might want to find a quilt appraiser or google antique quilts and do some online research.
    I'm like you...I see quilting as an art. I gave up drawing and painting and now my medium is fabric. Someday I will give a tour of my home on how I decorate with my quilts. Maybe this fall......
