Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day...

One never thinks about reaching the age that you talk about your father who is now in your past not your present. My dad has been gone for eight years now. It gives one a lot of time to remember and maybe more understand his life and how it has affected mine. My dad was a farmer most of his life. His experience of the war gave him a great appreciation for the world around him and he loved to travel. He gleaned creative ideas from others and had no fear in trying to make things. He built with wood, making houses, garden windmills and never had a doubt that he couldn't do it. He is the one that gave me the confidence to created with wood. It is a drive to make things from wood for me just like my painting drive and growing plants. He gave me that confidence to work with wood by being a model of a self-trained carpenter. I posted the photo of the birdhouse that I created recently, an example of something my dad would have tackled with confidence.

My father-in-law passed away a few months ago and I had to include a photo of him, 98 years old, at the bottom of the ladder, checking up on me. As I built the new porch he really desired to be young again, and to be helping, maybe even bossing, but he wanted to be a part of it all. He always used the same joke, should I shake the ladder?

As I continue to create things whether paint pictures, growing gradens, or building with wood, I follow a history of making things, creating new things for self enjoyment and for the pleasure of others. I appreciate that I could follow in my dad's footsteps.


  1. Such a lovely tribute....
    You are fortunate to have been shown what true dad's and dad-in-law's are really made of...substance, caring, creating and enjoying the beauty of all that is around us.
    My dear old dad has paased some twenty years ago, I picture him everyday, as if he were whispering behind me, saying " You've done good Love"....

  2. The name of your blog fits your post in more than one way. Your Dad would surely be proud.
    My Dad has been gone 21 years now and I still want to ask him questions. He wanted my life to be better his and he worked his butt off to do so.
    I'm a lucky guy.

  3. I wish I had a father I could look up to, but have a couple of really fantastic father-figures that have been a constant and for that, I'm grateful. My mom's been gone 11 years, and I'm like Jim with this - I still have the random question now and then and feel the need to pick up the phone. I hope you had a fantastic Father's Day!
