Sunday, June 14, 2009

Saturday at K-Mart

Went to do a little shopping at the Mall and stopped by K-Mart. I have a problem area where my saved seeds weren't so successful in germinating. I bought more zinnia seeds to fill in the blank spots. When it is all grown in I will show you my zany flower garden, before and after.

I also picked up a sedum that reminded my of my youth. We carried water for drinking to our house when I was a kid on the farm. I would be the one to do that twice a day, and one had to walk through a garden gate to get to the pump. Right below and inside where the gate stood, the previous owners of the farm had a metal animal water container planted with these sedum plants that bloomed yellow. One time only each year in the spring. To a kid, it was always magical that strangers had left something that I could continue to enjoy. Back then it was rare to go to a green house, ever, in southern Iowa so that plant was more than just a novelty, I couldn't imagine where they would have found such a plant. I bought the plant for that memory of almost fifty years ago. I now have to figure out a good spot for it to keep it alive.

Happiness is buying an umbrella for your patio set. It was greatly marked down, a little cheaply made, but light weight. I want to take it down and put it up with ease so the weight of it was important to me. Our winds are just too strong to leave it up all the time and let it flip the table over onto the concrete patio. Thanks for reading.


  1. I planted three packs of zinnia's and two did not germinate.;(

    I'm always getting nostalgic about childhood memories. It's funny how the simple things leave the biggest impact. I have memories of running in my grandma's house to tell her some man was outside cutting her pretty flowers. She stepped out on the porch to see her tenant farmer topping tobacco. Everyone got a big laugh out of that except me, my face turned red. I think of that everytime I see a tobacco field.;D

  2. Your patio looks so relaxing. You remind me that we need an umberella for our patio. We never sit outside anymore and just enjoy the "green".
