Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday rambling again........

Stella D'oro is always a good tough lily to plant. I move it everywhere and it just settles in and blooms. I need to take an update photo of this as it has twice as many blooms now.
Marigolds were my favorites for a long time but I could never get them to grow as well as my mom could. She really watered her plants and they would get to be large bush shapes. Mine are getting just the natural rainfall and I need to start carrying water out there to them. I like that they take the heat so well. There are a lot of varieties out there and one that I saw in Grand Marias, Minn. is a variety that has a lot of small little flowers all over it. The flowers are half the size or smaller than the normal sized marigold. I can never find that in Iowa but it grows well in Grand Marias in their hanging planters along their streets.
This is the planting that I have in one of my new found granite ware antique pans. I found the granite ware in my dad's garage, who knows where it came from but I like it.
When I take pictures on my side porch, I am always snapping around an item that I guess I should explain that sits on my porch. My dad was a farmer and he made a barn for my boys to play with when they were young. They stored their blocks in it and also parked cars and trucks in it. When the kids moved out to go to college I took it to school so the art students could draw it. When I retired from teaching, I had to bring it home. I had set it out under a tree last summer and our Yellow Kitty loved it and slept in it. Over the winter I brought it to the porch to take to the basement, and Yellow Kitty liked it on the porch and was in it all the time, so it stayed out on the porch. I guess it is a permanent fixture there even though I am not sure it looks that good there. So when I snap stuff, you see it in the background and now you know what it is. Thanks for reading....


  1. I have the same lily and they are very hardy. Like you, I move them everywhere and they never show signs of stress. A great plant to share with beginning gardeners.

    I never got into marigolds. I remember taking flowers in 4-H and planting marigold seeds. My cats mad a bed out of my planter box and that was the end of my marigolds.

    The barn makes a nice shelter for your cat. My husband made a barn for our son and it's still in our basement. We hope he has a son some day so we can pass it on to him. We'll see....

  2. Hi L.D. Your stella D'Oro are gorgeous. How wonderful to have something that does well regardless. Marigolds are really hardy also, although I've not had good luck with them down here. Maybe it's too humid. Please post more pictures of the barn that Yellow Kitty has claimed as her own. Love those impatiens in the granite ware pan. It is fun using older things in our every day lives.


  3. I always love pictures of flowers (which you will notice when you visit my blog)...the lillies are wonderful...I have taller yellow ones and orange ones that are field lillies.
