Friday, July 24, 2009

Bringing in the Cat.......

The other night I went out on the porch to bring in the cat and I saw this ominous bunch of clouds. (A serious question now, when Fred Flintstone ended his show each time did he throw out the cat and bring in the dog, or vice versa????) Living in a town that was hit by a tornado four years back, one does pay attention. I checked on the tv for warnings, nothing, so I grabbed the camera. I remember in the old days with those old snap and click cameras we would try to take pictures of cloud formations while traveling in Wyoming or anywhere out west. Once developed they were worthless. But we now have digital, and wow I am impressed what that camera can do.
This is a shot from my back yard looking to the west. I couldn't really get the best shots as I needed to get in the car and drive five blocks to the other end of town. I was really getting ready to go to bed. So I didn't go get the keys and take off like I really wanted to do.
The weather guy at ten said that this was a spotty rain cloud that hit Jefferson, Iowa, a good thirty miles from us. By ten o'clock it had traveled south and dissolved into a small little blob.

I took a series of shots in a row moving the camera from left to right. Someday when I have time and the snow is flying I will get on Photoshop and edit them together. We once framed a set of 15 or 20 photos that had been developed and printed and then placed in a composition, of the remains of the world trade center. The guy who had gone there to help as a fireman took a large amount of photos then glued them all down to make a composite. Anyway, this winter, I will try to do that on Photoshop, I will have to bone up on my skills to pull it off as I haven't taught it for a couple of years now.
We rarely see skies like this in Iowa. The last time I ever remember seeing one like this was on a road in Minnesota that was south of Mile Lac Lake. It was the leftover of a storm. Thanks for reading......


  1. Being terrified of tornadoes after seeing at least one a year out there, I learned everything I could about them. Learning about the things we fear numbs the terror a bit. Those are some great shots.

    And Fred tossed the cat (Sabortooth Tiger) out, but then the cat threw Fred out and he was banging on the door yelling, "WILMA!!!"

  2. Wow those are some great shots, of fierce looking skies.
    I'm with you on the tornado watch thing...since we are surrounded by counties hit by tornados three years in a row.
    I've been under the house once, and vowed I would take my chances the next time, one comes rolling through.
