Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Rose garden.....

along Lake Superior, Duluth, Minnesota....

First the story of this park. A woman donated a fountain and many roses to this lakes shore rose garden. About 6 years or more back, the city decided to build a freeway, I-35, along the lake side and they had to move it. It was dug up and placed in a temporary location for a couple of years until the freeway was done. The new park sets on a parcel of land that actually is sitting on a covering of the Interstate below it. It has been planted inside of five or six large rings of hedge to help protect it and they moved the fountain over to the new location.
If you look up the web site for this park on the internet you are going to be disappointed with the pictures. They need to renew their photos on the site. The information is interesting though as that they have the whole story of how it all took place. If you are thinking about visiting it, do look up the info on their web site.
One of the beautiful things about this park site is that you are overlooking the lake with its metal wrought iron fence. The sky is always a beautiful backdrop for any picture.
I have a few close shots of the roses but I will save them for later. The wind played havoc on taking good close shots of the roses, but I have a few.
The lady walked into the picture so I just went with it. We were almost ready to leave and the camera was crashing. Our batteries were down and I had to shut the camera down, turn it on, snap a photo, then turn it back off again. It would give me just enough energy to take one more picture. I couldn't zoom as that the was more power than I had in the batteries. What a joke but it worked. So when the lady walked in to the picture I said what the heck, shoot!
I don't have a picture that shows all the hedge planted in rings but you can see a partial hedge in this photo. It was windy and rainy when we were there but was glad we stop to see it.

Leif Erickson Rose Garden
over 3000 roses
Click here for info

1 comment:

  1. We went there last was beautiful...and the aroma heavenly!
