Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday tidbits......

This is an area that has become my newest, fast growing garden area. I have moved roses out here as they like the day long sun. I have volunteer coneflowers, an astibile, Stella day lily and a peony bush. On the other side of this are two different kinds of pear trees and some rhubarb. The roses there are budding but nothing blooming, the other flowers are also regrouping right now. I guess there is a Pontentilla bush sitting in the area also.
The coneflowers keep coming. I had an area where they were really thick but they did die out a little, I have enough that came back to make it still look good. I put in a fence and it affected the plants. They were on the north side of it and it shouldn't of bothered them but maybe the fence caused a greater snow build up on top of it.
The monarda, bee balm was affected by the fence as it sits on the south side of it. The fence shades it now and the tree next to it shades it too. The fence reduced the light too much so I will have move some of it to another location. The monarda was so thick and colorful but now it is just spotty and not very impressive.

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