Thursday, July 30, 2009

Zoo stuff, etc.

These dinner plate hibiscus were doing well in the hot sun on the east side of a zoo building. They do well in Iowa in spite of our cold winter. They are late to come up so beginning gardeners are known to pull them up and out at spring because the think they have died. In reality the are a month later than iris and they just look dead into late spring. Once they start to sprout up, they grow very fast. I have a neighbor who has one that grows on the west side of the house so it isn't very protected in the winter and it does fine come spring.
The young goats, kids, at the zoo are special. They bounce around on four feet like bucking broncos and scoot all over the place checking everything out. They had an overhead wood walk way for them so they can climb and run up and down ramps. They don't allow people to get into the pens with them to pet them but they have constructed openings seven or eight inch squares in the wire fences so they can poke their heads out for petting.
Taken through glass I had a hard time getting a photo of the parrots. They had junky pipes and wood and things hanging here and there which made for bad backgrounds. The light on the glass reflected badly so I took what I could, blurry and all.
I have many artistic photos of the koi feeding area. They had a wood ramp out in the middle of the pool where you can walk around the square opening and feed the koi, as well as a renegade swan that gets in there for a koi food snack. You can see our Iowa black dirt makes for muddy ponds and not clear water like a sand-lined lake in the northern states. I had fun taking many photos of the koi and cropping out a good composition.


  1. Those are great shots! So much color in the koi pond too! Loved them!

  2. What a great day out !!
    Oh I love little petting zoos and the likes. Those baby goats are full of themselves you can just see it.
    I'm fscinated by Koi fish, they are so personable and friendly. What brilliant colors...
    I use to include Hibiscus in my plans every year, and for some reason, the sun just baked them to a crisp, That one is awesome.
    Thanks for the day out, I enjoyed it ;)
