Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday's findings......

I worked in the orchard area of the garden today. I usually let it go and don't maintain it as much as I do the front yards. The William Baffin rose is reviving for it''s second bloom for the year. New sprouts are coming up everywhere in the back of the bush.
I really enjoy my shed and while I am out there working, I think that I still haven't got it cleaned out but maybe, just maybe this fall I will get to it.
I have a lot of apples on two of the trees and one other tree has always dropped it's apples instead of letting me pick them. I ended up not mowing under that three as there are a few apples that are good on the ground. Some are the ones that fell earlier in the season from high wind damage. I am still having problems with them this year even after I have sprayed them and I will share that with you on a blog all by itself. If anyone out there has any fruit tree knowledge I am going to be picking your brain.
Next to the shed is a clump birch. It is one single tree though but it has really thickened and is growing great. I had many scrap bundles of woven wire from the restoration of the dog fence and they have been sitting under this tree for two years. Today was the day to move out those rolls of fencing wire, sort the good from the bad and decide what to do with them. I can now actually mow around the tree.
In all honesty I was saving the wire to create sculptures of sheep out of them. I haven't given up on the dream, I just don't have the time. I am mentioning it so that the blog world can make me feel guilty for not pulling it off. I have seen pigs made out of wood twigs and horses made out of all sorts of materials, so wire formed sheep sounds almost sane.
I try to move my Oxalis plant out of it's pot for the summer and let it feel the good earth. It is kind of crowded but I know it is enjoying itself out there.
The mystery plant for the day is this vine. I have planted it on my bridge structure so that it could vine up on it to produce it's product. I am not going to tell you what it is today and just let you think about it. I have never planted it before but it is doing well out by the bridge.
I did photograph the seed packet on one of my late winter blogs, but here is a shot of the vine in action. It is growing around a volunteer coneflower.
The bridge was a gift from a school prom prop, and the floor was made from OSB (oriented strand board). I will be tearing it down this fall as I can fall through it when I walk on it. It has rotted out. You can see a picture of it on the side of the blog. I plan to rebuild it and make it a narrower walkway with outside wood for the floor so that it will take the weather. Thanks for reading......


  1. Good to see you back on your feet LD. Those apples look fine to me but I have to warn you than I have absolutely no knowledge of fruit trees. The vines look good - we may have the old buildings over here but it seems that you have all the sun.

  2. Wow your apples are wayyyyy ahead of ours in size.
    Your plants and flowers are beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing these great shots.
