Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wednesday's Wonders......

The surprise lilies have done just that, they surprisingly showed up a couple of days ago. The buds themselves are beautiful in shape and color. I hope to see them all out by next week. I know that some of you know this but when I was a kid they were called naked ladies by my mom and grandma. The foliage shoots up early spring and then dies back and then all of a sudden the spikes shoot up overnight and then the buds set on ready to bloom. I have seen some seed catalogs include that in their name descriptions. Either way, the surprise lilies are a neat new addition among all my purple coneflowers.
Against my own best judgment I went ahead and painted the Japanese gate blue to match the other gate in my backyard. It looked good natural color but I didn't get the attention as I do now. The neighbor lady was right on it first thing this morning, calling asking when I had painted it and really did not say that she liked it.
I really do like it and as a design statement it really does work. The lighting outside when I took the photo made it look a lot more intense in color than it really is. I have seen many a Japanese gate painted red and also blue in garden magazines and I did like it on others gates, so here it is world. I have this task marked off my list of to do's. We return to my parents house tomorrow to install a shower and do plumbing.
Thanks for reading........


  1. I agree with you, I like the blue gate. It is not a tree or a bush, it is something man-made. Why should it look "natural" (whatever that may mean)

  2. I think the blue is just delightful !
    It's a color used most commonly in England, from country gardens, to school house doors..
    It gives a little POP to your entrance yet soothing at the same time.
    I think you chose well.

  3. I love it when you said the neighbor didn't say she liked cracked me up.
    I like it...a shot of unexpected color never hurt anyone. ha
