Sunday, September 20, 2009

Book sale buy......

My wife and I went to a large book sale a few weeks back at a larger auditorium. They were donated books and then resold to the public. Some of they should have been sent to the landfill and others were great. This book I had seen at the Woodsmith Shop in their book section. I didn't think ideas were good enough for $35 but when I found it at the book sale for $3.00. I thought it would be a good resource book. I have a lot of scrap fencing material and this book encourages me to make something with them.
A lot of the materials are recycled so that it makes it a good deal. They make benches out of tree trunks and chairs and benches out of different found items.
I had a class make a pig out of chicken wire a few years back, but they put paper on it and painted it black with a white belt. The chicken wire was quite easy to work with as long as you didn't over work yourself until you get sore hands. Gloves would make things safer but harder to mold.

We have willow that grows wild and if I could get to the river bank I would harvest some. They made this by weaving a circle base as if you were making a basket, then worked it up to create a ball. The book is written by Geraldine Rudge and called Garden Crafts. There are a lot of ideas using ceramic tile pieces. Some good ideas and some bad ideas in there also. As they use to say when I was a kid in school, and a student read their report. This is the end of my book report. Thanks for reading......


  1. Great deal on a very interesting looking book. I love those willow balls, they look pretty as decor inside or outside.

  2. Ha...full marks on the book report !
    What an interesting book, and a fabulous price at that ..
    I just love it when I find excellent books, for little of nothing.

  3. Really good bargain. I like the fish project.It loos beautiful.I think this book helps to spend our time creatively and interestingly.

  4. I always buy these books at yard sales for my husband to make things. He says I have to stop. Geez, he's no fun. ha
    Love that twig furniture...he does want to try doing some of that!!
