Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The final curtain call....

My agapanthus did not bloom again this year. I bought these plants three years ago. I had seen them in a magazine and they bloom like a fancy lily with phlox flowers. It bloomed last year, but we are now at the fall and it just didn't bloom. I will replant next spring after they have spent the winter in the basement. I have read that they grow like weeds in California but I have to get the right conditions going to have them bloom in Iowa.
The last of the phlox are faded but still look great that is those that are still around. I had a red phlox, a special one, that put out one bloom this year. It lasted two days and is gone. The mildew got to it so I will move it if the fall is the right time to do it. I will have to look that up on the internet.
My camera continues to read this as a much more orange flower than they really are. The have put on one last small batch of buds so I will see flowers for a while before I bring them into the house.
I trimmed back my mom's rose down in southern Iowa, and I was blessed with many new buds and blooms. I bought this rose for her years ago and I don't have a clue what it is. I will dig it and bring it home to my house.

I am trying to get a good set of photos of the monarch migration that is going through our town right now. The weather is warm so they are landing on the tops of my maple trees and I can't get a picture. If it were cool weather they would be clinging to the south sides of my bushes. I have one good picture of one butterfly right now, and that isn't enough evidence of a migration. I can look up into the sky and see five, six at a time soaring as they land on the treees. I will share when I get the pictures. Thanks for reading........


  1. I haven't had much luck with agapanthus here. In California they are everywhere and so pretty.
    I hope you get some good Monarch pictures. We don't see them here, I can just imagine how pretty they would be in person.
