Tuesday, September 29, 2009

John F. Kennedy Airport......

A jet taking off among the clouds while planes await their scheduled times of departure. I had my new camera and we were returning from Portland, Maine and eventually were to return to Iowa. The scheduled wait was over three hours long, but delays put us there for over four hours. I had to take pictures.
I hadn't flown in 26 years. I hadn't flown since 9/11, but it is so easy to do. Once you have gone through the experience of the x-ray machines, and the identification questioning, and figuring out carry on rules and all the other procedures that are normal life at the airport, I know now that I can do it again.
I feel badly that we as a country, have lost our ability to trust anyone. I am glad for the discoveries that saved planes from being destroyed before leaving England. I am glad that we can prevent injury to everyone's lives. I know we have prevent tragedy because of the procedures here in the United States. I regret that we had to get to this place in history.
The cloudy day was beautiful. The planes seemed like downed birds, resting, waiting for their next adventure. All of them are going in different directions. Some are going all the way to France. Others are going inland to small airports, like Des Moines, Iowa. They land in the dark, late at night, and reload, red-eyed passengers ready to return on the plane to their original destination.
My wife and I took a diversion today and went to the Science Center, to see a movie in their domed theater. It is a wonderful technology. You are sitting so close to the screen and it surrounds you. We went to see Star Trek, for the second time. The first time it was on a flat screen, this time we were on board of the Enterprise so to speak. You are there, on deck, watching out the windows of space. In a dome like that you feel like a character along side of the other players. If you are an old trekie and have not seen this movie, the writing of this is remarkable. The story line is fast and the action scenes are continuous. As you know Captain Kirk came from Iowa, so we saw the large space camp in the middle of an Iowan cornfield. The special effects are tremendous and one is exhausted from experiencing it all. Thanks for reading... Oh yes, I forgot to say, as we came home we saw these same clouds, and that is why I dug out the JFK photos. Tomorrow......


  1. Terrific shots of the planes and the clouds. And glad you enjoyed yourselves at the cinema.

  2. There's still a romance of planes taking off for far-flung destinations, even with all the security hoo-ha.

    I forgot that Captain Kirk was an Iowa boy. My husband and I saw the film in July, and really enjoyed it. Meant to go again, but films disappear so quickly from cinemas these days. When I was young they hung around for months. I guess there wasn't the sheer volume that there is now.

  3. The clouds look like those from an English sky...full of rain.
    That is one busy airport, but you were able to get some great shots of the planes and sky, and general activity around there.
    It sounds like you had a wonderful time visiting the Science Center, those are always so much fun :)

  4. The airport with overcast sky looks nice to see. I am a fan of Star Trek series. It's an interesting experience to see the star trek with it's special effects, in a domed theater.

  5. I am getting caught up in reading my fav blogs...been so busy going out getting photos of my own during the color season here!!
    I loved these...the clouds are wonderful in the shots.
    I always wonder where everyone is flying to when I am at an airport and I love seeing loved ones greeting someone coming in from their plane...smiling, hugging, sometimes crying!
