Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday pm, Tuesday is coming.....

Here in my back yard are the waste pieces from a frame that I was cutting. It ended up being not scuccessful but a new saw blade will solve the problem. I will try again another day.

Our fall sky was also affected by the rainy day we had. Barney continues to be on the job, protecting us from the evil cats on the neighbors porch. Last night I watched a cute little yellow kitten come over into Barneys yard and go to the bathroom next to his yard. She quietly walked away and Barney discovered what she had done. He was so upset and started barking wildly that she pulled that off without him noticing.
Our leaves are hanging on right now as this silver maple will be the last to drop it's leaves. It will be yellow soon. I will retake the photo as it changes. The seasons continue..... Thanks for reading.......


  1. It is always a pleasure to watch the seasons go by through the lens of your camera.

  2. Good thing you have Barney to protect you, I bet he doesn't let that kitten get away with that trick again!
    Our trees haven't really started changing yet either, but I do look forward to seeing them.

  3. I will be going out during the next 2 or 3 weeks to catch our color show, too. We are about 35 to 40% color already!
