Thursday, September 24, 2009

A short book review.......

I hung out at the Woodsmith Store a week ago and they have a wonderful variety of books. If you are a gardener they have a good collection. If you are a carpenter or furniture builder, they have a very large variety of books. I, of course, got it forty percent off, but it was published in 2000 so it is an older book. His philosophy about gardening is impressive. I have read his work before in garden magazines. He speaks of it just as an artist speaks about creating art. Charles Schultz once said when he created his Snoopy cartoons, that once you start and you look up and two hours have passed, you know you are doing what you are suppose to be doing. Druse says the same thing about gardening. Once you reach your garden and you start, the time flies by and the worries go to the back burner. Once you start talking to another gardener, the time also flies as you are in your element and nothing else matters for that time period. I am sure writers can say the same thing, or quilters, anyone who is in their creative medium.
I thought this was a neat idea to plant evergreens in a row and then use them as a background for flowering trees. If you can make a conscience effort to do this you are sure to have a wonderful show.
His writing is actually second to the illustrations as I am an artist and a gardener. I do the visual thing first, but I know this is a good book because I want to read it too. This winter, go to your library and check it out. He makes you feel less crazy when you get so involved with the creative things that you do. He encourages us to create and don't ever stop as it is the breath of life.
I was creative today getting my plumbing aligned and working. I also had another great experience at the landfill. I am not a fanatic environmentalist, but I do care about our earth, and we are really doing something wrong with the many things we possess and then throw away. The many man-made hills of garbage of years of throwing things away, makes the landfill look like a ghost-like landscape. Dirt coverings over large piles of trash combined with dirt, layer after layer. I hadn't been there for a couple of months, but the area we had been, was down a very steep hill, is now all filled in and we traveled up a hill. Ok, I am not going to solve this I know, but I still have to share it a little. We need to possess less things, for sure. Thanks for reading.......


  1. Love the Charles Schultz quote - so true. Even though I am not a gardener I always learn something from your posts.

  2. Looks like a great book. I have been very lucky this summer at estate sales and auctions and rummage sales...picked up about 6 fantastic gardening books there too.

  3. Very true about the gardening experience. I don't know of the author - I'll have to see if he's published here.

    We are so 'throw-away'. It takes somewhere like a municipal dump to bring it home. Recycling is good, but it uses energy, so re-using is so much better. And we always need to consider whether we need the thing in the first place.

  4. I love the quote from Charles Schultz: that once you start and you look up and two hours have passed, you know you are doing what you are suppose to be doing.

    That is what photography is to me now. When I was young, I wanted to be an artist. My uncle was the head of the art department at the University in Wisconsin in Madison, and was very gifted. My cousins are also gifted.. I was not so gifted, at least in my own eyes!

    Alas, I did not pursue my dreams. The camera has brought me back to my original love!

  5. I'll have to go to the library and see if they have this book there --sounds like a very good read with winter coming on.
    There is nothing like being lost in the garden.
