Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Wedding in Acadia, part 1.......

The night before the wedding we went to the top of the Cadillac mountain to see the sunset and to finalize plans for the wedding the next morning at 5:30 am. The site is believed to be the first light that hits the United States and when you go up there the parking lot is full of visitors waiting to see that sunrise. It reflects off of the ocean and the sky.

Keegan and Aaron at the harbor after the wedding checking out the harbor.
The next day it rained and we were on the mountain and the wedding took place. The story is too long to tell and I want to share the whole event to you, but not in this posting. It was a very happy wedding and we dried off and went to a beautiful restaurant for a great breakfast and family bonding. We are very happy for our son Aaron as he loves his new wife Keegan so much. Aaron loves that island and he and his wife dated and walked the trails of the Acadia Park for two years. The weather continued to be wet the entire day so plans had to be altered. We ate again at a Mexican restaurant in the evening with all the newly defined family and it was a lot of fun.
Our flight home consisted of four different airports and traveling from 11 in the morning until 9 at night. I will post about that along the way also, as two farm kids from Iowa made their way to place to place without error. We were so tired but very proud of our accomplishments of traveling on our own, something we haven't had an opportunity to do before but really enjoyed it. The people experiences are always the things you collect along the way, and the diversity of life styles and work ethics are so varied throughout our country. I will talk of those things in the future, not in a negative way, but as a point of difference and of meaning.
The photo is of JFK airport and the four hours plus that we were there gave me time to use the new camera. We actually were longer than four hours as an Air France plane was having trouble on the runway, it wasn't moving, and we sat for a half hour on the plane while they pumped enough compressed air into our engines so they would start. We flew through those clouds and headed for Cincinnati, Ohio on a 737 jet. More to come. Thanks for reading.....


  1. Glad you and your DW made it home safely and had a great time at the wedding. May your son and his wife have a wonderful life together.

    Looking forward to reading more about the adventure.


  2. The island looks wonderful and it would seem that rain is an integral part of the landscape. I'm glad you has such a wonderful time there and glad you are sharing it with us.

  3. It sounds like a wonderful time. The place where the sun first hits the US sounds really neat, I never even thought about where that might be. Looking forward to hearing more!

  4. Wow..sounds like quite the adventure. I am so glad you have a close knit means everything in life, doesn't it?
