Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday's Findings

This is a nice little rose that I bought a few years ago. It really has been one that you can only appreciate, by taking photos of it, or bring it in and float it in an antique glass bowl as it is too small to be very showy.

I planted basil between my zinnia rows. Bad idea L.D.because the zinnias overpowered the basil. So next year I will plant it far away from other plants. The smell and taste of basil is so great with fresh tomatoes.

Spider plants are so fun with their little babies developing out on strands, like little spiders. I have planted them in the ground next to the pond, but it is easier to keep them in planters or pots as I don't have to pot them up to bring them in from the cold. They also allow you to see their little off-spring hanging out and about the main plant. Taking it easy on Friday. Thanks for reading.......


  1. Sweet little rose. Love the delicate color.

    Fresh basil is oh so good. It's nice to brush by it also and have the air around you filled with its scent.

    I also have spider plants and they are so easy to care for.


  2. Anyway, it is a cute little rose and the spider plants are nice too. I used to have them for house plants many moons ago. I liked hanging them in a window and watching the little spiders grow.

  3. Those are some nice findings. That rose is very pretty, I love the little flowered ones. My littlest one learned to love fresh basil this summer and likes to pick a leaf to chew on while we're outside. The fresh basil and tomatoes are delicious together.

  4. still have plants in bloom! Even my mums are practically dead this week..we had some terrible frosts here already.
