Friday, October 16, 2009

Thursday's Thoughts.......

I harvested a lot of these zinnia's to keep for seed. It was about two days later they started turning brown, and now they are all dead and shriveled up. I can now go out and get more if I want as the freeze killed the entire planted area in two days. I need to cut them all off and put them in the burn pile.

I am framing this set of pictures for a friend of mine, a fellow teacher. I cut all the mats for these and now that they are done, I see the whole meaning to this and to the thought about family. The bottom set of pictures, in the horizontal picture is the woman having me frame these. Her wedding picture shows her and her now late husband. Below that picture are the pictures of their kids and their weddings.
Above to the left is her parent's wedding pictures and her grandparent's wedding pictures. Vice versa are her late husband's parent's wedding picture and his grandparent's wedding pictures.
I don't know that I could do that completely on my side and I don't think my wife said that she had any wedding pictures of any of her side, that their weren't any formal pictures taken. I remember seeing one of my grandparents on my Burgus side in a Murray Centennial book, but I will have to quiz some cousins to see if anyone has the original. I have the picture of my mom's mom and dad when they were married. My grandma was 15 when she got married. My own parents have a formal picture taken right before Dad was to go off to war in Germany. They had been married a year, but my Dad is wearing his uniform in the photo. I am sure that was taken in case he didn't come back from the war.
I will follow up in finding that wedding picture of Grandparent's Burgus. That will be a good email adventure, sending out inquires all over the nation.

I showed a picture of our house on the East side but the trees were blocking the view of the bay window. I put this in and created the decoration about four years ago. When I add the dining room window, I want to duplicate this look. I don't think I can build a three foot bump out but I may try to at least build it out a foot so there will be a good window sill for plants and other things.
Have you ever noticed that I tend to exhibit all my flaws. It makes me cover for any bragging I might do. I bought a wonderful new door, 36 inch wide, to replace at our gallery entry. That sounds good doesn't it, but I have only a 32 inch door in there. The neighbor lady was over and saw it laying on it's side and said that won't fit. I have bought the wrong size. I could take it back, but I think the wider door would work better there and look better there too. Sooooooo...... if you do any carpenter work, you know that I am setting my self up for a lot of work to make that hole bigger and to make it structurally sound. That four inch difference will probably cost me four to six hours of work, probably more. I hate it when I make mistakes like that. Thanks for reading anyway.......


  1. I must admit that I am pretty hopeless with all types of carpentry work, but I do quite fancy the idea of picture framing. I doubt whether I could ever be as skilled as you undoubtedly are.

  2. I did the same thing with my basement door. I bought a 34" door for a 32" opening. The house is brick. The guy who installed it just set the door in place and nailed it in. The brick molding is on the outside of the brick. I've finally stopped noticing it about a year after it was done. Good luck. Be sure to take pictures and show us the progress.

  3. L.D. ~ Love your zinnias, such happy bright colors, and you are collecting seeds from them for next year. That's great! ~ Nice framing job too and stories to go with it. ~ I really love the color of your house. Your door job sounds like a lot of fun, NOT. DH hates doing doors. You will like the larger door though. We did that to our little place. Wishing you well while you do this job.


  4. I think there is a country music song with these lyrics, "I come from a long line of love." That's what those pictures reminds me of.

    I'm like you, it would be hard to find wedding pictures of my family. Matter of fact, I don't think some of them had the luxary of having pictures.

  5. I like the bright zinnia flowers with their different shades of color. Many years before we have zinnia plants. Now the seeds are not available. Nice looking windows.
