Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A high of 10 degrees F. ........

-12 C. It is winter in Iowa and it is miserable to be outside.  We received fresh snow Friday so our old snow wouldn't turn so gray.  Then again on Monday, another inch was added on to the top.

Walking the sidewalk and you can see the neighbor's snow blower tracks.  It is great when people have toys like a snow blower as they love to use them on my sidewalk at no charge.  I would hate to buy a one and ruin my neighors fun with his machine.  It really is nice of them to do it for me.   Keep warm, where ever you are and thanks for stopping in to my site.


  1. Now, that is a nice neighbor!

  2. I take great comfort from your snow and cold reports - they make me feel almost tropical by comparison.

  3. That's our normal winter low, Larry. Bless y'all's hearts.

  4. After moving north last year and after the first snow storm, my husband bought a snow blower. He's already used it a few times this winter. Our only closeby neighbor heads south during the cold weather!
    Keep warm.
    Sunny :)

  5. The "miserableness" is made up by the beautiful. I grew up in Borneo. My first Christmas and winter in Canada went down to minus 28 degree F. I was so cold.

    came Via Ed's site.

  6. A US friend complains that their neighbour blows the snow into their yard.
    First snow arrived at lunch time today rapidly followed by a bright sun to clear it away.

  7. That's so very considerate of you, Larry, to curb your desire to buy a snow blower. All those extra inches of snowfall, bit by bit, must keep your neighbours busy - while you stand at the window, in the warm, with your mug of coffee in that bright red mug, supervising operations.

    But tell me, is snow blowing a competitive sport in Iowa, in that way that finding a seat at the school carol concert is here (and everywhere, I imagine)

  8. We have about 2 1/2 feet of snow now and flakes are coming down today....ah, the joys of living in the upper midwest! :-}
