Thursday, December 31, 2009

Looking ahead to a new year......

As I look to the next year, I am anxious to see the next discovery, the next new travels, and the next new experience.  As in this drawing, the little boy in me is watching the trolley coming into town and wondering about all the will happen next.
The past two years have been a very bumpy ride.  I had lost two people in my family, I quit being tied to a school system, my father-in-law who lived with us passed away. I was becoming too close of a friend to funeral directors and I was released from the chains of work. I guess my blogging began in the beginning of that second year.
I really believe that the blogging has helped me to smooth out a lot of the bumps of my live changing experiences.  It has helped me to find friends all over the world as well as to improve my learning of the things of this world.
The drawing that I created was one done for a man who remembered the trolley, interurban railway, that came into town daily.  He was revisiting his childhood through my drawing.  I can see the drawing as the beginning of my first artwork created after leaving work at school. As my wife says, if I don't do visual art creations, I get caught swinging a hammer instead, using my creative juices up in a different way. I like to do both.  I also get out in the garden in our short season and create with color, as long as the weather cooperates.

This next painting was my first painted work since leaving school.  I had called it "A Brave New World" at first and I now call it "A Brave New Journey." It is my new theme for this year.  The two years of changes has left my wife and me standing on the cliff of the mountain looking out in wonder, it is a time for changes.  We haven't really had time to be so selfish to make decisions that are just for ourselves.  Our personalities are both the kind that allows people to lean on us first, and we take care of ourselves second. 

It will be interesting to see what the year will bring. I want to make time for painting.  I want to build new things with wood. I want to travel. I want to grow things.  I want to still share my life, but with less demanding pressure and more spontaneous giving.  I am hopeful for a good year.

A brave new journey is one that says the hope is strong, the interest is great, and there is life yet to live.
 I hope you have a great New Year.

Thanks for sharing your time with me.....


  1. I've enjoyed getting to know you through your blog, especially your creative endeavors. I hope your dreams are fulfilled in 2010.

    The interurban ran through our town too. My husbands grandmother talked about riding it to Indianapolis and Cincinnati. That was way before my time.


  2. One of the highlights of my year was discovering your blog; reading your fascinating narratives and enjoying your photographs.
    I'm not sure if it's the right word, but in someways I find blogging to be therapeutic, not to mention a wonderful way to meet interesting people.
    I wish you all the best for 2010 and I hope you find time to take time for yourself.
    A very Happy New Year to you and your family.
    Sunny :)
    P.S. Your artwork is stunning.

  3. What a great post! Perhaps you should target one area from your "I want" list with a specific activity each month (i.e., travel somewhere, even if it's 30 miles away but someplace new, in January)'d be amazed at what you're already doing, without even realizing it!

  4. This is a really wonderful blog .... can't think why I took so long discovering it. Happy New Year and I look forward to all your posts in 2010.

  5. I hope you and your wife can take the time this year to do more for yourselves. It's been really fun seeing what you are working on, you definitely are very creative and talented. I hope you have a wonderful journey this coming year and look forward to hearing what you do.

  6. Hi Larry, Happy New Year to you and Della and your four legged friends! It has been a pleasure to visit your blogs..I hope you get to put yourself first this year and that you get to do some of the things you enjoy! It is about time! Your pencil drawing is excellent..the texture in the foliage is perfect:)

  7. Wish you a great,happy and fulfilling new year! I like your thoughts and posts greatly.

  8. It does sound like it is indeed time for you and your have been a caregiver for a long time and haven't had time to "graduate" into retirement fully yet due to these things.
    I am so glad to hear that you are looking positively into the future, calling it a beginning journey.
    An adventure is exactly what you need for 2010.
    And your art?
    You are sooooo gifted.
    It is wonderful. Truly wonderful.

  9. I wish you and your wife well for the New Year, Larry, and for all the discoveries that are yet to come.

  10. Hi Larry, another year over and I've enjoyed our visits back and forth throughout the year. It's been a difficult one for me, and hoping that 2017 is much kinder :)
    Here's wishing you both the Happiest and Healthiest of New Years, thank you for sharing your busy life with us all ...
