Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tree number four.........

and just under the wire. Christmas is tomorrow.

This is my wife's teddy bear tree.  We had to work on the area before we could put up this tree, so I put the tree up and today, Della loaded it down with bears and dogs too.

Another job that I just got done under the wire.  I delivered this last night to the customers house. It was raining so hard that I had to put a spare garbage bag over my head.  We are having flooding now in southern Iowa, along with snow still on the ground.

The finished product is shown.  If you look back up at the photo above you can see the photo I had to look at while drawing.  I found out later that it was taken on a cell phone.  I wondered why it was so purple. 
We are moving our one other deadline back now.  Our weather is so bad, freezing rain and snow for two straight days, so we are going to wait until Sunday to have our Christmas with family.  Our oldest son and wife live in Chicago and we really don't want them getting stranded out there.

Merry Christmas to you all.  Enjoy the season and we meet up again in the New Year, or maybe even sooner.


  1. Nice drawing!

    Love the teddy bear tree, that is a wonderful idea! My grandkids would love it! you got me to thinking.....

  2. What a beary cute tree!
    Stay warm and dry and have a very Merry Christmas!
    Sunny :)

  3. Hi Larry, Merry Christmas! You have been busy..but you got everything done!! The drawing turned out really are very talented!! I wish I could draw..I probably could have learned with a good teacher!
    Thank you always for your comments, I do appreciate has been a pleasure to meet you through blogging:) Connie

  4. you will enjoy your "late" Christmas much more if you know everyone is safe. Have fun!!

  5. I love the "beary" tree, but I just had to chuckle about the cell phone picture. Your drawing of the house turned out nicely.
