Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday Scatterings.......

Can you imagine sitting on somebody's lap and it is  snowing, and you stay there until your lap filled with a snowdrift?

Ok, it is funky I know but this picture hit me funny as the snow kept loading up the seat of the top chair.

Have you ever worked on an assembly line?  Can you imagine being on this assembly line and painting just one part as it travels by you.  The shoes are all the same, but there is not a single one of these that are painted alike.  What are the odds that just two would have turned out just alike?  When I took my tree apart, I evaluated the things that were being removed. I suppose the smaller six came as a set and either I have lost one of the bigger Santa's or broke it because it should be an even number of four.

Does "work to be done," stare out at you everywhere you go?  I see that the roof of this birdhouse is becoming unfastened.  I was just going to take a picture, not find more work to do.  The birdhouse was a thrown away birdhouse by one of the shop kids at school after their class.  They had tossed it into the dumpster. I brought it home, nailed it back together in places, then painted it myself.  I also see the hole is too small for even a wren. I also need to drill the hole to be bigger in size.

Can you find the Fluer de Lis design on this dish?  I was taking pictures of glass a couple of days ago and I had never seen that  design before in this dish.  Can you see it?  It is the design that can be seen decorating family crests and is used to decorate flags in European countries.  I thought it was French in origin, but I see that the British also have claim to it also. It is actually a divided relish tray, and I got it form my mom's things. I think it belonged to my Grandmother first. If you click on the image you can see the design has been blended in with a rosette flower below it.  It almost looks like a folk art design when it is combined with the flower and a couple of dots.

I asked a question the other day on my "photo a day" blog about Jack Sparrow and asked about what he said in the second movie of "Pirates of the Caribbean."  In the movie he has been pulled out of the water from escaping a prison island.  He was asked about what was going on and they were somewhat disgusted with him, so he told them he was now looking for something.  He said he was looking for "shiny" and that was the direction the boat should be directed.  He didn't explain it at all and the crew looked like he has lost his mind.   It was a confusing line even to the viewers, but what he had was a drawing of a key, the sketch of the  key that would fit the chest that holds the heart of Davy Jones.  He was looking for "shiny."   He never explained it and you had to follow the movie through for quite awhile to think back about the definition of shiny.

We will have survived -15 degrees F. by the time your read this.  We are now promised that it will be our coldest and our last for quite some time.  We are suppose to see 27 degrees in the future maybe even 30.   Thanks for reading my scatter........


  1. Interesting snow must be warmer there! You will have to make a list of all the things you have to do outside while you are stuck inside. I really enjoyed all your little ornaments..they are very colorful. Lovely piece of glass too..:)

  2. I think the person in the chair is funny too !
    You couldn't have made it that way, no matter how long you tried, Mother Nature sharing her sense of humour ;)
    I love the birdhouse, it looks like it will make it through another Winter, and then fix it in the Spring, when it's warmer....
    Wouldn't care to work on a production line, I would get bored :)
    Stay warm !

  3. LD, I hope this storm does break for you guys soon. It seems you're going stir crazy stuck in the house for so long.

    Even when I made 20 of the same buildings for one of the architectural models I used to build, none were exactly alike. I'm sure those little ornaments were all touched by several people giving them a little personality as they went. You've got some nice collections. I can tell you're passionate about them. Stay warm. Spring will come.

  4. Hi,

    Thank you for visiting my blog. I am following you now too and shall come back again soon for a proper look round on here. :-)

  5. we love Christmas decorating here at our house too, but we have put it all away for the season.

    I love the body forming from snow in the garden chair. we used to joke about bodies forming under the beds, not "dust bunnies" but ghosts. your photo looks like that.

  6. That chair sitting inside a chair with snow on it was kind of cool! I liked it!!

  7. Fun photos. I especially love the nested chairs. The shape of the snow actually looks like someone reclining in the chair.
