Friday, March 26, 2010

March 26, Friday, 2010

Spring is getting closer to being a reality. We have the bright sunny light, but we have cold arctic air.  Yellow Kitty is so glad to get outdoors in spite of the wind.  She finds a place in the sun and out of the wind and relaxes.

As a gift to me, my neighbor Judy gave me these two packets.  She loves to order things in seed catalogs.  She has fixed up for me a start of two tomato seeds.  She tells me that they are to grow eight feet tall.  I will keep this picture and make a comparison a couple of months from now.  I am going to have to put them as is into a pot of dirt to soak up that cardboard container and I was warned not to wash the see out of it.   Oh boy, this is going to be touchy.

I found this photo and shot it with my camera instead of scanning it.  I wanted you to see the date on the photo at the bottom and shock you.  It actually was a photo that was developed in May, but it was taken on March 26, 1957.  Someone in the picture had just turned 7 that day and he didn't have to go to school. The barn has a door like a Dutch door design and the top one is open and the bottom on is closed. The snow covers the bottom of the door which makes the snow at least 3 and half feet high. Yes it is a drift but it was a lot of snow for March.

The guy above is wearing a red coat with fake soft fur around the hood.  My brother, three years older than me, and I got the same kind of coat. Back then it was the only kind that was in the store.  It must have been a generic boy or girl coat as a teaching friend said she had the same coat that year also.

The barn now stands in collapse and the grainery on the left, had to be moved, as the new owner of the farm had too big of tractor and equipment to go through that space between it and the barn.  Unfortunately that well constructed grainery went rolling down a hill destroying it. It had been moved behind the barn on the edge of a hill and  a large wind caught it up like a kite and sent it to it's


Thanks for checking in........


  1. Love that photo in the snow!!! Happy Birthday old aged one.....(you are just a few years older than me, so that means I get to tease you anyway). Hope the next year brings good health and happiness in your life and for you and your family.

  2. Happy Birthday!
    My husband's B'day is today the 25th.
    Yellow Kitty has the right idea...a snooze in the sun.
    The snow was a lot more fun when I was young!
    Sunny :)

  3. Yellow Kitty looks content, snoozing in the sunshine !
    She could be the sister to my Oliver cat, their colors are so alike.
    Happy Cake and Candle Day's the BIG one !
    Are you having cake ? I like cake ;)

  4. Today I felt like that cat looks, tired and lazy.
    I always bought my kids coats a little large so they could wear them two years. I remember buying my daughter a coat that was royal blue with a yellow lining at J C Penneys. The second year she wore the coat a little boy teased her for wearing a boys coat like his.....she knew her coat was a girls coat and she thought for sure that he knew his coat was a girls too - but he didn't want his friends to know so he pointed his finger at her. She kept her lip zipped figuring he'd freeze to death if she told the truth. I don't think I would have been so nice.

    BTW, Happy Birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday. Wishing you a multitude of blessings. Enjoy your special day.

  6. As far as I am concerned, cake with frosting should be at every level of the food pyramid. I don't know what they were thinking.

  7. Red Velvet Cake with cream cheese frosting. Happy Birthday, Sweetie!

  8. Happy Birthday my friend! I wish you a year filled with many blessings! AND cake! The big 60, finally a milestone birthday! The 26th of March is also my brothers birthday, he will be 56. Great old photo of you! :)

  9. cute kitty! I remember freak snow storms when I was a kid. That IS a lot of snow in march though. Hurray for GLOBAL WARMING! Its making March much more spring like!

  10. Enjoyed the pictures and the stories that go with them.
