Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Is there a rose doctor in the house???

This stuff hit like overnight.  It is an old rose that was here when I bought the place. It spreads by it's roots and it has never been sick in the 34 years that I have lived here.  It is a big area and I assume I need to cut it all down.  Is it fungal disease?  I will buy anything natural or greenhouse brand to shut this down.  I don't need this to spread.   I have searched the internet and I can not find this exact thing but the leaves all look like they are totally dead.  I think the rose blooms themselves are not going to be great so cutting it back will not be a loss at this time.  I await all my experts reply, please!!!

New Guinea impatiens was a special plant to my mom.  She always bought one large basket of them and hung it right out the back door.  Many times a small bird would next in the plant but she would baby them all summer.  I bought one plant to insert in a planting as I don't keep track of them well enought to keep them alive.  I will put it in a pot on the front porch and then I can stay with it.

I worked a greenhouse two summers ago for a major grocery store chain.  I found this yellow knock out rose in the waste basket with no leaves and destined to go to the landfill.  Kids who work those places don't water well and I didn't work regular hours to keep them watered.  Anyway, this guy is doing well this year with many blooms.  I like the buds of knock out roses better than the full bloom that they put out, but it is the first and only yellow rose that I have ever owned.

The kittens are still out at the garden shed and no one is tamed at this point.  I know they will have to be tamed before the neighbor can catch them to take them home.  I started feeding the mother cat twice a day and she is pretty happy about that.  She is scared of me.  I will keep you posted on the developments.

I have a hard time getting tools out of the shed but they just go behind the side and stay in the bushes until I leave.  The black and white one does have an attitude and while I got a rake out of the shed it refused to run. I was about two feet away from it but I wasn't to touch it in anyway or I would be spatted at for sure.

Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. Hi Larry, I'm sorry about your rose. I sure hope someone can give you some good advice. That is a sweet memory about your Mom loving the impatiens. Funny how we remember those little things. My mom loved petunias. Your yellow rose sure is pretty. It's a good thing I'm not near your kittens. I steer clear of the pet stores who are having kitten adoptions. I have a real soft spot for cats. The black/white one with the attitude sounds like my Magic!

  2. I'm also interested in the answer to your rose problem. We get black spots on the leaves, controlled by a systemic Bayer product. It's like aspirin! No kidding.

  3. Wish I could help you with the rose thing...but I am sure one of your readers will know what it is and help you for sure.
    Love that orphaned yellow rose you saved, it reminds me of the old fashioned roses my mother-in-law had in her yard.

  4. Hi Larry, you may try this link for information on your sick rose.....http://www.olyrose.org/pests.htm
    The kitties are so adorable, they remind me of barn cats, timid, but will come around, once they connect you with food, and attention.
    Good luck !

  5. Hi Larry, If you did not notice any Beetles or Caterpillars eating away..and if it happened overnight I would suspect a weed killer spray ..perhaps overspray? I don't know enough about roses to help you out Larry..I do know that sometimes weird stuff happens. The leaves look dry and crunchy:(

  6. Hi Larry off to the right of the unopened bud..is that a caterpiller? The yellow guy..it is hard for me to tell if it is a bug or something else. Caterpillars are usually controlled with BT..Bacillis thurigiensis. But it kills all the pretty caterpillars that turn into beautiful butterflies too..
    I used to buy a Rose all purpose fert and bug stuff that I used once a month or so on the roses..it came in a big blue jug..I think I got it at Walmart..it was a granule that you mixed around the soil of the roses and then watered well:)

  7. Larry, in the rose photo is a small yellow worm in the upper right quadrant. Lots of little holes in the leaves, too. Could it be a larvae infestation? Something dropping from an overhead tree? Or have you looked at fireblight as a possible cause?
    It's my first trip here to your blog. You visited mine today, probably because of Sepia Saturday. I like your site very much. Your garden is a special place. I'm a fanatical gardener who raises flowers for competition in our regional fair. Your peonies make me drool. I planted a pink one in the shade a few years ago and get one pretty flower every year. I specialize in dahlias, though I haven't got good garden space for them. The wonderful thing about gardening is how satisfying it is, whether it's pulling weeds (as you describe in the photos below) or picking flowers.

  8. Ho idea about your rose problems - all plants and flowers finish up looking like that when I attempt to take care of them. Thanks for the update on the kittens.

  9. I have a neighbor who sprays all the time with a weed killer for creeping charlie. He hits the boulevard part of my property on Sundays when I am gone. I wonder if he did that on a very windy day. Thanks for all the ideas. That is a yellow worm, but I think he is making the holes and a weed spray fried all the leaves. Thanks everyone.

  10. Your poor rose! I hope it'll be okay. I have a rose that has always been very healthy and this year it has the strangest powdery mildew all over it, kind of gray looking, but not quite like yours.
    The yellow rose is so pretty.
    I think I must have missed about the kittens. They are so cute.
