Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dirty pictures! No dirty things.........

I mowed today at my parents home and worked on some finishing details in the bathroom remodel. As I cleaned things up and put things away I went to the garage to see if there was anything there that I just had to bring home this time around. I remembered my wife collects blue things, bottles and vases, so I went to the back of the garage and grabbed the old Pillips bottles and a couple of other things.  What amazes me is the frame of mind that I am at the time in as I just throw it into the back of the car, dirt and all. I could have at least taken a garden hose to it before I brought it home.

I had found in a box in the attic of the garage one of those ceramic flower pots shaped like a grandfather's clock and also a mushroom shaped terrarium.  I know the mushroom terrarium shape is a bad design but it was the 70's.  I think I will plant it just for fun.  I watched a lady on PBS doing them in large glass jars.

The Phillips bottles came originally from the old house or old garage that use to sit on the property, so I do know they are old.  The planter is from the old days when we lived out on the farm, and that has to be in the 1960's.  They had 30 or 40 years of dirt collected on them.  There was still white powdery material inside the bottles.

So I now have a new ceramic piece to add to my collection of 60's ceramic pots and my wife has some new, old shiny blue bottles.

I also brought home a concrete swan planter.  I will share that later.  I had a choice of a plastic swan or a concrete swan.  While weedeating the front flower bed, I discovered two more cheap roses hiding among the tall grasses, thus I dug them and put them in a bucket to bring home.
I had to clear away planters that my mom had used every year on her front porch.  I dumped wonderful potting soil and tore up a rotted flower box and threw away a faded humming bird feeder.  It was a sad thing for me to deal with today but it is done. The planters had all been growing weeds after two years of not being in use. My mom was so proud of those flowers, and would sit out in a lawn chair and watch traffic go by while admiring her flowers. It is all done now except for a very large planter that I will need to deal with later.  I may bring that dirt home as it is full of commercial soil that I could recycle. I don't think the wood will be recyclable.

My wife and I are headed to downtown Des Moines today to see the large art festival sponsored by our Des Monies Art Gallery.  It has grown to be the third largest in the nation and artist are juried into the show from all over the country.  It is going to be fun until it reaches 94 degrees hot, so we will go early.  Another art show also is held at the state fairgrounds, inside, air conditioned, and that has a lot of exhibitors.  It is going to be a super day.  Sometime we go back on Sunday to get a second chance at the viewing of so much work.

Have a good weekend and thanks for stopping by.........


  1. I can imagine how tough it is to deal with your Mom's planters etc. My mom has been gone two years and often, I am stopped in my tracks when I find something that meant so much to her.

    I hope you and your wife will enjoy the art show and maybe the temps won't be too hot.

  2. Love your finds L.D. I can imagine how difficult it must be to deal with clearing out, and cleaning up your Mom's home. Glad you are able to dig up roses, and recycle potting soil.

    Enjoy the art show and keep cool.


  3. The blue glass cleaned up nicely, Larry!
    Looking forward to hearing about the art show, and envying you the heat.

  4. So sorry you have to face the cleaning out of your mom's garden things and that it saddens you....but it is good for you to do so..and I am glad you found some treasures along the way.
