Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday's tidbits........

My side porch has this planting that is starting to fill in more fully with growth. I like these new geraniums with the pansy like flowers.  It reminds me of the one that I have on the front porch that I blogged about before called Martha Washington.  I don't know the name of this one but it's reds are different.

It has a nontraditional foliage on it which is darker green and fringed.

I have some striking photos of this regal lily but I am trying to pick from them one to enter into a contest.  I will just show you this single bloom of my third generation regal lily.  Grandma Brooks, my mom, and now it is at my house.

A bonus section to my blog, which is called, "What is it?"  This was in the old house my father had toen down 40 years ago.  I want to call it an egg beater.   The handle is in good shape with it's maroon painted handle but the wire configuration is all very rusty. I would never dip it into any food item today.

I finally worked on my tomato plants, covering them with their cages today and I will need to get the posts around them soon. I can't believe those little sprouts turned into mature tomatoes. My wife and I have been busy painting and it makes the news now when we are not having rain.  My last little kitten was taken home yesterday by one of the neighbor's 6 year old twin girls.  I asked the one if she got bit and scratched and she smile and shared all of her wounds.  She is so strong-willed that she wasn't going to let a little bleeding get in the way.  Her twin sister proceeded to take it from her and picked it up by the neck and helped transport it to a crate in the house. The mother is a feral cat and still hisses at me when I go to feed her but I am intending to get her tame and will keep feeding her even though her kittens have all been kidnapped now. My goal is to take her on a visit to my vet.  The owner's have the kittens in their living room and the mother is outside with me at the garden shed.  I will let you know when I get her tamed.
Thanks for stopping in.......


  1. LD, I wish I had your way of finding such great flowers. I can't get over how beautiful the geraniums are. I'm with you on the "What Is It" item. I would say it is a whisk too. Unless it's over 24 inches long then I would say it's a rug beater (lol). Loving the the new section and can't wait for the next. - G

  2. Hi Larry, You have a couple of Regal Geraniums..or commonly called Martha Washington Geraniums. I love their velvety texture and deep colors. I found that they did not bloom as well for the whole summer as other geraniunms(Pelargoniums). So I am anxious to see how you do with them.
    That old thing looks like a small rug beater to me, used to whop out the dust out of old rugs:)

  3. That lily is so pretty! I have a similar one that I'm hoping will bloom, but the rain has really been hard on them.
    Glad to hear all the kittens have homes, you are very kind to take care of the mother cat!

  4. I, too, thought it was a rug beater, but the pic doesn't give a hint of size. Those geraniums sure are showy! Hope they perform well for you.

  5. Like everyone else, it reminds me of a rug beater also, but, I really don't have any idea what it is.

    The flowers are lovely, I always have favored Martha Washington geraniums over regular ones. And I must say, yours are beauties.

    So glad to hear Buttons is doing so well, and the good news about the growth on his lip.

  6. I just learned the name of that geranium and will look for it at my nursery. You might have to share other secrets with us.
