Monday, June 14, 2010

Name those vehicles........

As I was throwing away everything I touched in my dad's garage, I kept think I have to find something valuable out here. No such luck but I did find an old, antique. I guess it is a little valuable, old for sure. When I read S G Gay Vehicles, I thought that would be interesting.  But let us turn it over and read the vehicles for sale.

You will have to click on the picture to read it and see if you have ever bought any of these means of transportation.  I am certain that the ruler was inside the older home that my dad had torn down before building the present house on the property. There are a few things out in that garage that came from the house and I am keeping my eyes out for the next prize.

I missed blogging yesterday but I need to do some new material.  I will slow down until a creative spurt comes along to share. I would be glad if one person lets me know that they have bought one of these vehicles.

Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Sorry Larry I have never bought one of those, however I would like to:)

  2. I don't remember ever riding in one of those vehicles, much less, buying one. That is an interesting ruler, it has 14 inches.

  3. LD, Sorry to report that I have never bought one of the list vehicles. Ann did point out in her comment about it being 14/15 inches. Would that have to do with measuring the the height of horse I wonder? - G

  4. What a unique find Larry. Like Connie, I would love to have one of those modes of transportation.

  5. Some old rulers with ads on them are worth quite a lot of money. I bet this one is too.

  6. VERY cool ruler!!! It's a keeper for sure!
