Saturday, July 17, 2010

Another deadline has been met.......

I had done two sets of these back in March and now my wife and I finished doing five more sets.  The mural was due Wednesday and we deliver these today.   Great heirloom items of a mother's quilt pieces which were created by her as a teenager.  The mother had passed away many years ago.


  1. These are delightful and what treasures for the family. I love the double mat. My elderly friend, Lillie, has Sunbonnet Sue and Sam quilt that her mom made some 90 years ago with Lillie's outgrown dresses.

  2. I didn't mention that these colors are the ones that the customer picked. I would maybe have done a little less subdue colors instead of the intense ones.

  3. What great memories to hang on the walls. You and your DW did a great job framing them. I would have chosen more muted colors for the mats also, but we're all different. Whoever gets these will love them.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  4. You certainly seem to be going through a creative phase. It must be the heat driving you on.

  5. Such creativeness, and beautiful pieces...
    I really am impressed by your artwork, I'm grateful that you are always willing to share.

  6. I bet it feels wonderful to get these deadlines behind you...
    we are working on renovating an old house that we have been working on for over 8 years...we vowed that this summer we would get it done. It means sacrificing many trips out in the woods for photos or fishing on our lovely lake on wonderfully sunny days...but we are close to our goal now and it feels great.
