Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday's fumblings........

My new Blaze rose bush has given me one bloom.  I am not sure that I planted it in to a bright enough location.  I will watch it and see how the growth progresses.

Pink geranium in the planter with all the other geraniums.  It didn't bloom last year as it seem to be crowded out but this year I moved things around and it  is going to give me some color.

The early hollyhocks are looking good but I hope to see them all summer.  I think these are very early.

I spent time transplanting zinnia plants today.  I hope it works.  I had used seed from last year's blooms and some seemed to work very well and others didn't germinated.  I had end sections filled in but the middle of the bed was blank.  I will water them well again in the morning and hopefully I didn't disturb the roots too much.

I have an decorative egg plant that I blogged about last year that I just transplanted many plants tonight while I was cooking burgers.  They were started from old seed.  I moved them into a window planter that can be put out into the hot sun.  I will share more about these later. I just now remembered I was going to send seed to others and I just thought of it now.  I will work on that for this fall.  It actually is a plant from the edible eggplant family but they put out small ones that look like hen eggs. The one egg will have dozen of seeds inside.

We worked on the mural again today after I mowed the yard.  Picture will follow tomorrow. 
 Thanks for stopping by...........


  1. Nice to grown by yourself roses
    very beautiful
    I like also geraniums
    good bye

  2. I especially love your hollyhocks and the rose is such a nice color. Sounds like you have had a busy day; I hope it has not been real hot today. I look forward to seeing the mural.

  3. Sure liked that bright rose...looking forward to seeing your mural!

  4. Wonderful colour on that blaze rose Larry. I too am looking forward to seeing where you have got to with the mural.

  5. Gorgeous blooms I love the Hollyhocks and Rose, so vibrantly colored.
    Looking forward to seeing your mural, it's been a lot of work on your part.
    Lovely post !
