Thursday, July 15, 2010

The job is done..........

This is the 1906 depot for the Interurban Trolley that traveled back and forth to Des Moines.  It is restored now to look like it did back in 1906.  There  was a wooden platform originally in the front of it used as the loading dock and boarding dock of the trolley.

Measure 12 times to see how little I have to trim on the mural so it would fit. I found nothing was actually square. It was extremely hot outside, even at 9:30 in the morning but the concrete floor kept it cooler inside and we tried to keep the doors shut as much as possible to keep the inside cool.  The opening did have one square corner, so I had to  do some tricky cutting to get it to fit.   The bottom runs down hill to the right because it is an old building.  I suspect that it originally had a wood floor in the building and they added the concrete much later.

Here it is with it finally attached to the wall.  The door to the right is designed to slide in front of it to protect if just in case they thing a group might not be nice to it.  They can slide it shut freely on a rail system that came from a barn that had burned. As you can see the scene is designed to be a view as if you are looking out onto the loading dock and the trolley is waiting.

Here is a picture of Russ opening the door.  He was all smiles when he saw it for the first time.  We don't like to show things to people who hire us as they want to get involved and change things in the middle of the work, so today was his first viewing.
We worked for two and a half hours in the heat to get it installed and then we came in and soaked in cooler air in the house.
Thanks for sticking with me on this journey.  I think that you have seen the last of this for awhile unless I decide to do a complete history blog about all that took place as the Woodward Interurban Depot. That will be much later as I am burned out from the project and the weather too.


  1. Thank you both for sharing this project with us. It is great to see it complete and in this historical building. It is just wonderful!

  2. Bravo to the weary is absolutely wonderful!! You two deserve a day or two off:)

  3. It turned out beautifully! You must be really happy with how it looks.

  4. This is great! How wonderful you both were able to do this for this sweet little historical building.


  5. Wow! The depot looks great and the mural is perfect! Congratulations!

  6. Excellent Job! the mural looks perfect in place!

  7. Wow! The mural looks fantastic. You must be very proud of yourself and your wife on such a wonderful accomplishment. It has been a lot of fun to share your journey.
    ☼ Sunny

  8. Great to see it installed and great to finally get a good impression of the scale of it. Splendid piece of work.

  9. I love it! You two did an amazing job!
