Sunday, July 25, 2010

A simple parade.....

Our town has a yearly celebration and as the generations change, the enthusiasm for such a thing has diminished.   They have a parade to start off the festivities and that has become too small and too simple.

All parades start with the flying of the colors. It is always nice to see, but there is no band to follow them anymore.  The high school band has dwindled in size and students really don't want to make an effort to be involved off school season.  Apparently the band director didn't make any attempt to round them up for a march.

A traditional entry in our parade are the Malones with their Cadillac.  A little background you need to know is that they love Elvis and Mr. Malone wore his hair in the same style most of his younger years.  Now it isn't happening as it is getting too thin.  So at each years parade they drive their Cadillac and Mrs. Malone throws out Elvis trading cards for the public to have for their own. This is their parade car as it  is just used for parades. I love it.

I will only share three shots for today and more will happen in the future. Most of the parade was firetrucks and tractors.  This photo was of interest to me as this hunting dog could not contain himself being in the parade.  He kept wanting to jump out of the truck.

We finished our Saturday evening with fireworks that were just a block away.  The sound was loud but I got some great shots of the lights.  My wife took turns with me going out to see them as the dogs hate the fireworks and the baby dog has to be held.  It would help if we didn't live so close to them.  We are cooling off for Saturday night to 68 degrees, that will be great.  We were not cooling down below 80 degrees at night for quite a while.
Have a great Sunday and enjoy the day.  Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Isn't it sad that these fun traditions are dying out and the younger generation does not appreciate them? Personally I love them. I have many fond memories of our local parades when I was a kid. That Cadillac is fantastic. I would like to be riding in it.

  2. I really agree with Rae, it's a shame to see these traditions fade.
    The old Caddy is real trip down memory lane.
    Have a lovely Sunday.
    ☼ Sunny

  3. There are now so many entertainment/distractions for people now. When we were kids there wasn't a lot of TV, or cell phones or big screens. Today folks are overstimulated to say the least and simple things like hometown parades don't even blip their radar. Things change....

  4. I like the parades also, as a kid it was one of the highlights of our whole summer. Kids were easily entertained back then..they didn't throw candy either. Nice looking old that they throw out Elvis Trading cars..they must really enjoy the day:)
