Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bits and pieces to discovery........

My wife and I switched a 70's chest of drawers out of our bedroom and replaced it with a solid oak old chest of drawers.  The 70's chest of drawers has become the vault to hold the older quilts and also the most valuable new ones.  I had to clean an area to place that chest of drawers as the spare room is being used as a holding room of funeral things, loads of things that I brought from my parents house, my old school things from when I retired, boys toys, and extra furniture.  It's an interesting place to visit when ironing your piece of clothing in that room. 

The photo above actually is a pile of quilts, turned sideways, that sit on top of the dresser as the drawers below are all full. What amazes me that I am still discovering things among the things that have been there for over two years now.  I had posted a double wedding ring quilt earlier that belongs to my youngest son, and I was surprised to find another one my mom had made in the pile today.  It is done in browns and looks like it was created for a queen size bed.

This is a blurry picture of an antique double wedding ring, a third one that was made by my great grandmother.

While shifting and placing the quilts in and on their chest of drawer I discovered another box of family photos.  I didn't know they were there. It contained an old photo album that was put together in the 1940's.  My parents were either dating at the time or it is the summer after they married, the winter of 40.  The book also holds a few years later with photos of my brother which makes it 41-42.  He is the first baby in the family so there are so many photos.  Also I found a letter my mom had written to my dad a month after my dad had been shipped off to basic training.

I will share a lot of these things on my Sepia Saturday post as I unravel the stories about them.  I found pictures of my great grandfather and grandmother on my mom's side.  That type of thing is scarce as so little is known about them, so I will have to be sharing that with my brothers. My mother has written information about their parents which adds one more name to our family tree.  Mobley was the name of a gg grandmother before she married into the family of Wheelers.

This spare room is like my attic.  It can keep giving as more memories are found as I explore.  It can become very depressing to find the things showing pictures of everyone who is gone, or old valentines, and diplomas, but I don't want to miss looking at every thing possible.

Thanks for stopping by today......


  1. What treasures Larry. The quilts are so colorful and what delicate little stitches. That's great that you found the photos too. Beautiful photos as always.

  2. You discover the most amazing treasures. The quilts are simply lovely and it's wonderful that you have old pictures as a remembrance.
    ☼ Sunny

  3. How lucky are just find old photos in your spare room..wonderful! I will look forward to hearing about them. That is one pretty stack of quilts! :)

  4. You are so lucky to have all these memories of your family surrounding you right there in your home everyday.
    I think it's the thing I miss most, is not having the things of my childhood surrounding me, so I have to create my own collections of things I used to have in my childhood.
    Those quilts are amazing, it took hours and hours of dedication just to make one, and you have lots !
    Enjoy your photos, they are indeed the link to your past, and kindle such wonderful memories.
    A lovely post Larry, thanks for sharing.

  5. You are wise to take your time as you examine these family treasures. We got an old house on tax sales and it was full of letters and pictures and memorabilia just strewn all over the family around at all anymore and they were left to sad. We gathered up what we could and stored it and I am going to look through the letters to discover the mystery of who lived and died in that house. We already have brought many old graduation programs to the local museum because it lists the names of every graduate in every high school class over 20 years. They were thrilled to get some of what I donated because the school has long ago closed and they did not have any of the graduation programs at all.

  6. I believe that every quilt contains the love and positive thoughts of the soul(s) they were created by. Fabrics are magical that way. And your collection is certainly about divine love. Thank you for sharing.
