Saturday, August 28, 2010

Critter photos at the fair....Not my photos!!!!!!!!

I snapped this photo of one of the photos entered in the State Fair photo contests.  I deliberately took it crooked to show that it is from off of the wall and not my photo.  Chester Whites are the breed of the pigs.

This fellow was too good to not snap a photo of at the fair. He has such a great personality. I think you can actually click on the photo and see who the artist really was who took the shot.

Thanks for checking in on my site...........


  1. I like the title of the Goat picture. "Hello Goat" cute.

  2. Fantastic shots of shots !
    I love pigs, just like Sir Winston Churchill, but that Ram picture, well, I could just take him home with me ;)
    Looks like a wonderful State Fair..

  3. Cute photos even if they weren't by you..I love the Hello Goat..such curly fleece:)

  4. I can see why those were on display..gorgeous photos!
