Monday, August 23, 2010

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.......

there was the Iowa State Fair.  Commissioned sand sculpture artist created a work of art at the Cultural Building.

The artist names are unknown to me.
The results are not boring and it is called   STAR BOARS.

How many photos can one take of a sand sculpture of pigs playing Star Wars characters?

Seven of them will be enough.  Enjoy the shots and I will let you figure out who the characters are as you view the photos.

Thanks for stopping by........


  1. If you didn't even crack a smile at this one you need to have your sense of humor fixed!!!!

  2. How creative and funny! Amazing sculpture work and I love Chewy.
    The original Star Wars was my son's favorite movie, I can't tell you how times he saw it but he say the dialog along with the movie!
    ☼ Sunny

  3. That is wild! I can't believe the creativity of folks. How funny!

  4. How fun. I cannot believe it is all made out of sand.What terrific sculpting. I had to laugh at the characters especially if you have seen all of the Star Wars movies many times. LOL!

  5. Oh how pretty, and cool! out of sand? impressive
    Mom does not know all of the characters' names of Star Wars but she recognises the faces.
    What fun!

    I am bonkbonk glad you shared these pictures with us! I like them!

  6. Porta Vallarta Mexico has a wonderful sand sculpture display every year with professional sculpters coming from all over the world. You might like to google it to see some of their work. One year they did a sculpture of The Lords Table for Easter, it was awesome.

  7. Cool sculptures..very talented people:)
