Tuesday, August 31, 2010

There and back.......

My summer vacation.  We flew to New York City, then to Portland, Maine.  Rented a car and drove to Bar Harbor.

We saw a lot of people along the way and also out at the Bar Harbor area. We also saw the ocean and a rocky shore line.

Then we flew from Portland, Maine to New York City, tried to miss our plane then flew to Minneapolis, Minnesota.  Walked for a few miles to get to gate C23 made it just in time and flew south to Des Moines, Iowa. 

Obviously you are going to hear a lot from me about all of this as I talk to much, but we are very weary and glad to be home.  Miss all of our kids already.

Thanks for staying with me with my scheduled posts.  I thought it best not to tell the world when I was to be gone.  Catch you later........


  1. I love the photo of the rocky shoreline. I'm anxious to hear about your adventure.

  2. Welcome home and I look forward to hearing more about the trip and your family. Pretty scenery in today's photos.

  3. How great, it looks like you had a fabulous time. Can't wait to hear more and view a lot of lovely pictures. Go rest now, and talk later.

  4. Hi Larry, I figured you were gone because you were so silent! I remember you said a long time ago that you were going in August..and August is now almost over. I hope you had a wonderful visit..and I can't wait to see the photos..but you better rest up first! :)

  5. Jet lag within your own country is a novel concept for us. Hope you're feeling a bit more rested now - will look forward to hearing more about the holiday.

  6. Wow...Bar Harbor looks amazing..and the clouds while flying are wonderful too.
