Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fall sets in........

You can tell it is fall when the days turn rainy and cold for a few days at a time and the sun is very noticeably shining further south .  Our tomorrows forecast does call for a totally clear day and warmth again.

I bought some new mums this year and I am hoping they do bloom soon. The established mums in the neighborhood are already in bloom so these guys are late.

While thinking of bringing in the plants this fall, I will bring these geraniums in the window planter in for another winter.


I am experiencing trouble with blogging again. As Google has me on a setting that now demands I upload all the photos that I want to use on my blog into a file on Picasa. They want me to retrieve them from that file. I had not known that every photo that I placed in the blogs that I write all end up into Picasa and I can retrieve photos that I have blogged before easily enough but I want to add new photos.

Right now I am going into settings and changing it back to the older format and when I get the photos downloaded I go back and change the settings to the newer format. It is driving me crazy. I know we have been here before with blogspot but I don't know it it will correct itself like it did in the past.

I have a few Picasa web albums already in which I used to download past wedding photos but I don't even know how to get there except through that bookmark. I will have to educate myself to change my ways if this continues. I remembering complaining the last time that this is two more steps to get to the adding of photos process in blogging.

My wife is also on blogspot and this problem doesn't exist for her.  I guess time will tell.  Have a good weekend even if it is inside.
Thanks for stopping by.............


  1. LD, Sorry to hear about the picture posting problems. Hope it clears up. I much enjoy your photography and now that I have a system back up and running I am getting caught up with your past post and loving the pictures. - G

  2. That is going to be a gorgeous mum when it does open. I have really enjoyed your geraniums also.

    I am going nuts with blogger and photos too - I feel completely lost!

  3. I had that picture uploading problem about a month ago. It eventually righted itself. I use a newer template now and don't know if that had anything to do with it or not.

    I stopped by to post on the beauty of your bright red geranium ... one of my favorites!

  4. It might have something to do with the old templates....perhaps if you tried a new one..Or Load Live Writer..I really like Windows Live don't have a Mac do doesn't work with a mac. It is a free download. Photos are not supposed to be a pain.:)
