Friday, September 10, 2010

A hidden photographer.....A blog from the past

that I forgot to click post. So it is dated but new.

Hey,  I took a self portrait in this photo of the greenhouse in Bar Harbor. Can you see me now?  It is a neat store with garden items and the such. On the side of the store is this glass covered patio with lots of things that I couldn't take back on the plane. 

Our growing season is about over and I think that they really have to grow things in pots to get flowers for their enjoyment. The season is so short for them. I did see flowers planted in the ground but nothing like perennials.  The geranium shown above was tall with a few flowers on it.  

I thought the fern garden was a good idea.  It was a raised bed with large rocks holding the soil. Even if they close in the late fall, they would fare well and will be ready to go in the spring when the store reopens.

Jet lag for us this time was the time change. It was only an hour difference but the turning up the clock when you return does effect the body rhythms.  I don't think the fourteen hours it takes from start to finish to come home to a house that is over eighty degrees helps any either.  We had to sleep downstairs in the living room as it takes so long to cool our upstairs. Our long hikes in the different terminals did help make up for are daily walks that we usually take but we were sore from carrying bags and camera cases along on these walks. 

It is strange how the town we live in just kept on doing what it does.  If you didn't tell anyone that you displaced your body over to the Atlantic Ocean shore, they would have never known, other that I got a great tan on my face.  People continue to get up and do what they do and are making plans for their Labor Day weekend coming up.

Our dogs stayed in this wonderful kennel where their stalls are nicer than our own shower here at home.  They are big and tiled with plenty of room.  Barney and Button stay together and the owners say that Barney, a Border Collie, is so quiet while he is staying there.  They get to run outside with three or four friendly dogs for long periods of time.  I am sure they bring them in for their naps.  When we arrived to pick them up there were four dogs looking around the corner of a wire fence with a wooden fence to the side.  We saw peaking out a yellow Border Collie, a white little Poodle with brown ears, a Corgi and a small Cavalier dog all crowded together hoping to see their owners.  We had just trimmed the poodle and I had forgotten he had his hair trimmed back so you could see his eyes. They have been glad to be home.

Thanks for stopping in today.  We miss our kids already and know that they are back to there work and busy lives.  We are busy too.  Ah tomorrow.........


  1. I enlarged the first photo to see you in the mirror and I noticed the hummingbird feeders. What a great store; those colorful pots are nice too.
    I wondered where your precious pups stayed while you were gone. Sounds like they had a "resort" to spend their time!

  2. I think you had a grand vacation on the east coast with your kids. Coming home always seems harder on us than heading out in the beginning. Your canine family members sound like they had a great stay in a nice, friendly place too, but I'm sure they are super glad to be back in their own sweet home.


  3. What a neat place...loved that you caught yourself in your own happens to me all the time!

  4. The frustration of air travel. That was our experience in France this summer.
    I know what you mean about terminal walking. Somehow it's not the same sort of relaxing exercise.

  5. It is important that Button and Barney had a great vacation too, it makes you feel less guilty for leaving them, at least they had each other! :)
