Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Looking out.........

Looking through.........

Looking over...........

Just looking............

I have noticed that we all are blogging out.  I know it is a busy time of the year and I know that I keep on posting but I am even boring to myself.  I use to write a lot more and then I over extended myself.  Winter is my season though as I can really enjoy the time with my blog friends.   But winter can be a long depressing time for Iowans and many of you too.

I have been facing life's realities so much lately and I guess I am beyond being sad.  Our neighbor died a couple of days ago from a long bout with Parkinson Disease. It took his life as if he were having cancer and Lou Gehrig's.  Roy was my age and it all started years ago when he fell off of a ladder at the fire station.

While we were in Maine, one of my church friends with whom I share a class became ill.  The week he substituted for me, teaching the class, his leg was swollen. He had to sit and teach with his leg up on a chair. He is 55.  When we returned to Iowa he was already in the hospital and now he is diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. It is too rapid for a person's emotions to even carry.
I have blogger friends who have spouse's who suffer from disease. I have blogger friends who have lost loved ones the past week and I have others who are dealing with ailing parents.

I find that it all has become a large burden of hurt of what has happened and what is yet to happen. I know loss from many very personal experiences as everyone else has out there.  I guess I have to take a deep breath and rest.  Life is full of change and full of uncertainty.  I do know Truth and I know Hope.  It does not prevent me from feeling sad.  Tomorrow is another day and I will move on facing those things that I don't understand and yet know are realities of life. 

Thank you for being out there and stopping by for a moment.  I know you are all busy and all have lives to live too.  Take care...........


  1. Hi Larry, I am sending you a hug..have Della deliver it! Fall is the season of change, I am sorry about your neighbor, and boy your friend certainly had a harsh diagnosis. No one is guarenteed anything in this life..not life and not a pain free death. Sometimes it all seems too much to take in. You are not alone Larry, I see the bloggers slowing a bit too..I keep plugging away..boring even myself..just like you LOL! I am behind on my reading..I am going to catch up sooner or later! :)

  2. It is such a shock when things happen as quickly as you describe : you have little chance to come to terms with it. Tomorrow is indeed another day my friend, let us hope it brings brighter events. And Larry : you could never be boring.

  3. It's true that the blogging bug for me has fallen a bit since I moved. Everything here is new and exciting to me...but probably not many others. I at least have been trying to b log about 'something" at least once a week. Sorry to hear about your friend. It's always sad to see someone you know go. Wishing you the best.

  4. So sorry to hear of your friend's death, and illnesses, it catches us all off guard, no matter how we prepare ourselves.
    I've been through that heartache this past month also, it's a part of this thing called life, and we are expected to move forward.
    Here's hoping things will be better and brighter, and reading your posts always makes me smile.
    {Hugs} friend.

  5. Sorry to hear of the sad happenings in your life. Last month I lost two friends to cancer, they were both younger than me.
    Sometimes life seems so unfair but we keep the faith and carry on.
    Here's to happier times.
    ☼ Sunny
    P.S. Your idea of 'Looking' is very creative.
