Saturday, October 23, 2010


Taking a drive on an interstate highway and snapping pictures is a very bad idea. I don't think I was being very smart. So don't try this in your own vehicle while driving!!!!

I am in an old Dodge truck that has a very dirty windshield. I am hauling more treasures to my house which I will share later. An old bookshelf that my dad a had made and a cupboard that use to be hanging in the old house of the 1800's. You will see more about them both.

On the way down to Osceola I take the exit where the gambling casino is in southern Iowa. Some majority voters allowed a gaming and race track in Des Moines many years ago and I think we are up to 24 gambling casinos in Iowa now. I am not proud of all of the foreclosures and bankruptcies that have taken place in this state but politicians will not address that issue that they created for Iowans.

On the only good side, is that this casino is owned by an out of stater and it is the only one of his casinos that is making money right now. It is called "Terribles" with a cowboy greeting you on this sign. Inside the door is this wonderful restaurant that has a Tuscany theme in decoration.

The ufo's are dirt on the windshield but this is our typical view along the highway.

You can see the corn is ready to be picked but hasn't been done yet. They are slower in southern Iowa as they didn't get their corn in very early because of wet fields.

An exist sign to Cumming, Iowa. It is a very little town that never grew even though they are near Des Moines. It also the town that our Senator Tom Harken was from before he moved to Wash. DC. He owns the house his parents lived in there in Cumming and that is his only connection to Iowa. Actually he owns a plane and lives in the Bahamas a lot of his days in his home down there when the Senate isn't in session.

I have been busy at the house and I do see the end coming in the finishing touches to get it ready for sale. It just had not been maintained for over 15 years and it is hard to bring it back to a good standard for sale. I have so many small things to do that all take time. My wife has been sick with a cold most of the week but she is better now. We are warmed up these past two day and storms are forecast for the afternoon and evening. We did finally get a light rain in the night. I hope everyone is well and they have a great weekend. Thanks........

If anyone is confused, I posted this on the photo a day site before realizing that I was too tired to know any better. Anyway, I have moved it over here to my creative zone.


  1. Nice to see part of your world Larry. It looks like many of your trees are bare along the interstate. I will look forward to seeing your latest items from your parents home. Sorry to hear your wife has been sick. Hope you both can enjoy the remainder of the weekend and I hope the storms won't be bad.

  2. It is so good to read your blog today....I have had such a crazy summer and fall that I am wayyyyy behind in reading BOTH your blogs, so get ready for some comments coming your way before long on all your back your new look on this blog and your header photo too!

  3. Glad you told me about the UFOs! I really enjoyed this travelogue. Take care driving!
