Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday, monday.....

This has been my work for the last two years. My wife and I have most all things out of the house and we are on the final lap of finishing up things. The work left to be done are major things that will bring a buyer in view of it in good condition. Sometimes it is small and picky and other places we have had to make great renovations. There are new ceiling light fixtures to put up and final coats of paint on the back sun room porch. The carpets need to be cleaned and one carpet needs to be restretched and all of the thermostats have problems. Minor things that can't be left undone but we are getting close to the end.

The large tree trunk you see is the historic pine tree that was in front of the old Victorian house that was in sad shape and had to be torn down. The tree is majestic and helps to make the property a very special place.

I entered a photo contest and this is the one that I didn't submit. It is a close up view of the agatized wood that I blogged about earlier.

People and their concerns are far more important than things and we still have a few people in our lives with major health problems. Sunday was a hard day for us, but in the afternoon, we attended a concert. It was at a large church near Drake University and my brother's brother in law was the guest organists. He played four wonderful pieces. The first was by Bach and I will describe it as the song from Fathom of the Opera. You might as be familiar with it as it was used in the Frankenstein movie. Lonnie Liggett is an accomplished player and composer who worked with various Broadway works in New York and in London. He is a small town farmboy from Osceola who made it big in the music industry. He played the Bach piece completely from memory in this huge church auditorium. The pipe organ does the work justice.

My brother and I crossed paths for too short of time this week and he and his wife have left already to return to Mesa, Arizona. I actually think that their driving up here and going back was more days that the ones that they spent in Iowa.

I am blogging late again this day but thought it best to check in with you all. I hope everyone is well and that you have a great week. Thanks for stopping by..........


  1. Hi Larry, Your parents home is exactly the size and style of home John and I are hoping to find. That tree out front is really beautiful. I'm sorry about those you hold dear having serious health concerns. We will keep you all in our prayers. I am happy that you and your wife could attend the organ concert. We had the pleasure of a visit from TN blog friends today. I'll have a post early tomorrow about that. Hoping you and your wife have a restful evening.

  2. Love that tree picture, too, Larry!! :0}

  3. So this is your big project..good to see it. It has been so much work for you..I hope the rest of the family members appreciate your efforts.
    I am sorry you had a rocky Sunday Morning..hang in there:)

  4. I'm sure you're making a wonderful job of renovating the house.
    Bach on the organ is one of life's joys.

  5. You've spent many hours the two of you working on the house, I'm sure in the end, it will all be worthwhile.
    So sorry to read of your friends and families health problems, it's such a major concern to us all, no matter what the age.
