Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday's sortings.........

The creeping blue bell has been mowed down as it died out a month ago, but look at this. Rain and cool weather made the plant along the edge grow and bloom.

I think this is a katydid.  I had blogged one a few months back and this may be the same one.  I do tolerate correction so bring it on if I am wrong.

I liked how the zinnias regrouped and started putting out new blooms. There are a lot of dead heads that have fallen to the side but as a whole I am having another flush of color.

We worked on the house Friday and we both are really exhausted.  My dad built a leanto porch on the back of the house right after he built the new house in 1970's. It is closed in with windows, I guess it is a sunroom.  He didn't use good materials on it and my wife and I are trying to recreate it's feel without rebuilding it.  I had to replace three bottom rows of siding and I am adding a good storm door to it's entrance.  We painted and nailed and patched everywhere.
I have learned a lot of skills in my years of carpentry and am proud that I can figure out how to make a good patch in siding or fix a rotted fascia board.  The solution I really wanted to do at the very beginning was to tear it off completely and leave a concrete slab as an outdoor patio. Brothers don't think the same way and I guess we will be able to fix it.  I just don't like the busy work, time required and detail it requires to repaint all the windows and fix the trim. We need to try to figure out what to do with the interior of it with the minimum of work and money. It has antique wainscoting on the interior with oriented strand board.  The stand board is ugly and dark. Once the outside is done, maybe we can fine the best solution. 
It is Saturday and we are going to do something for ourselves today.  We have been either sick or busy doing whatever.  It is time to waste a day away.  It isn't going to rain so we can visit bookstores and a variety of store.  I hope your weekend will be enjoyable and thanks for stopping in.........


  1. I've never grown the creeping blue bell but it's very pretty. I have a similar situation with one of our blue plants - balloon flowers. After cutting them down to the ground, they have come back nice and healthy and are presently blooming.
    My grandpa had a similar lean-to/enclosed porch area. I know you and your wife must be worn out from all the work. I hope you'll enjoy a nice, leisurely day browsing the stores.
    Hope you find a neat treasure to share with us.

  2. Interesting bug..a It sounds like you got more work to do after your brother was there..why didn't he stay to help? :(
