Thursday, October 21, 2010

Seeing red..........

Blooming red petals,

leaves dipped in red,

tasty delicious apples, shiny and red.

As I post this the night before, I always know who is going to read it first and who isn't out of bed across the ocean. I know when certain people are on vacation and I wonder how the strike in France is affecting my friends over there. It is amazing to be able to know so many and yet never have met them face to face. It is also interesting to know peoples habits and one can figure out who lives very structured lives and who are living for the moment. I find my own transparency to others has always been my trademark, but I do wonder what people are perceiving of me and my life as I trudge on with blogging.

Life is complicated and it does seem to take quite an effort to stay in touch with others, but it is so instant. If I fall down or lose a friend, people all over the world know it and care. If I forget to visit your site, it isn't on purpose as I seem to be on a strange schedule. I do find that if I catch up with all of your blogs, that I am glad that I tried to do it as I really don't want to miss out on people living their lives. It's not spying, it is enriching your own life by seeing all the other good qualities of people and their interest all over the world.

I do hope everyone out there is doing well and life isn't too pressing that they can take a moment to reflect, rest, and reward yourself to special things that life can bring.



  1. Your geraniums have been gorgeous this year Larry. We drove around the country this afternoon and saw a few leaves turning red and we purchased some pretty red Gala apples to bake with brown sugar and cinnamon! Your photos are beautiful.

  2. Such vibrant, fall colors....
    We must of had the color wheel on our mind today, I chose orange :)
    You are correct about life's pressures, sometimes we just need to step back, and enjoy the beauty surrounding us, in our everyday lives.
    I hope you and yours are doing well also !

  3. What a lovely post, Larry. Such a nice sentiment. And great photos, to boot.

  4. Red is such a happy color : ) The red leaf is such a splash of color against the others in the photo. And the apples looks delicious!

  5. I find blogging very interesting.of course I am a people person stuck in the sticks..and I can be a tad visiting from afar works for me!
    I think that you are who you are..and as long as you stay true to yourself and write truthfully there are some people out there that will appreciate you and what you write. I know I certainly enjoy my visits here to your always have something interesting to show us or something worthwhile to say..even if you think you don't. I perceive you as a kind artistic gardener who likes animals and CAKE kind of gentleman:)
