Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Burning Bush.......

I have just a start of the red turning on my burning bushes.  I have seen others who are really turned red all over the bush.  I will wait. We had another frost last night so things will keep on changing. My gourd vines are completely dead now so I need to go pick my one little gourd.

 The days are so busy for us right now but we do see the end in sight. Wednesday we are taking off the day, to allow our bodies to rest up all the physical work we are doing on the house. Standing on a step ladder and twisting to hammer on boards causes one to use muscles that haven't used in years.  We are still working on the sun porch and I think one more day will finish that area up for good. We are surprised as to how great it is looking as it was a dump when we started.  I will take photos as there is hand made paneling that I want to show you and also wainscoting that came from the old house that previously stood on the property. I was remarking today that we almost look like a one room school room now with the paint job and some of the moldings that I added to finish it off better.

We ate a McDonalds today and it was so bad for us, but it was quick and easy. So tonight we are going to cleanse our bodies by having Cherrios for supper.  It is sort of a balance for all the grease and salt and also a punishment for giving in to eating there.  It does make life more simple when you just have a bowl of cereal.

Thanks for stopping by............I have framing of one picture to do and errands to run tomorrow. Maybe we will hit a bookstore in the pm.


  1. Hi Larry, There were 2 burning bushes here when we moved in and they have re-seeded themselves everywhere! The ones that receive the most sun are always the prettiest for us. Can't wait to see all the hard work you have done on your parents' house. Every so often, John and I splurge and eat McDonald's and then feel guilty. John had never heard of eating cereal for breakfast until he met me!!!
    Hope you two have a good day of rest and give those sore muscles a chance to unwind. A walk through the bookstore sounds fun this time of year. I found a collectible book at Goodwill last week for $2.50 that sure made my day! Have a good evening.

  2. Oh boy..cereal..I never learned to eat cold cereal ( we were too poor to buy it when I was growing up) so I cannot imagine having it for supper..I think you have to eat bad stuff like fries and a burger every once in awhile..our quick supper is usually soup.. homemade out of the freezer or store bought out of a can.
    Working on a step ladder is never easy..hard on your feet and your back. It sounds like you are making great progress:)

  3. That made me smile..as I often have cereal for dinner. LOL
    I have always wanted a burning bush, they are gorgeous when they turn that vibrant red.

  4. Yeah, a bowl of cereal will work out just fine!
