Sunday, November 21, 2010

One year anniversary..........

It has been a year since we replaced the window and ended up reworking the entire dining room.  It is great to have this room done and it is good not to remember all the rubble and mess we were in for so long. 
I made two more trips to the landfill on Friday and I never can ever really describe the experience in words.  You just have to be there, to drive to the top of the heap, to smell the rotting food, and to view continue growth of this dump site. I found some new things in the garage and I will share later.
It is getting close for us that live in the United States to take time and think of our blessings.  We take so much for granted and we do need to be more introspective about our lives.   I hope you have a great Sunday and thanks for stopping by.......


  1. The 3 R's have changed..Reduce, Redo and Recycle. I hope you found some great "stuff" in the garage:)

  2. LOVE the dining room. YOur table and chairs are marvelous and beautiful!
    remodeling is always a daunting task. Don't think back. I am sure you had a lot of nightmares at night too haha

    Happy Bonkful Thanksgiving WEEK! :-)

  3. ps: mom bean and dad bean drink instant coffee 85% of the time too. meow. I just noticed your cool doggie cuppie.

  4. Good Sunday afternoon Larry, Your dining room is very lovely and the window is so nice. It's hard to live in a house while remodeling is being done but the end result is always worth it. I'll be anxious to see your latest finds in the garage. Enjoy your day.

  5. I remember reading your renovation tales last year. The finished effect is so elegant!

  6. I can't believe a year has gone by! You did a great job :)
    ☼ Sunny
