Thursday, December 9, 2010

Four French Hens......

Here is one French hen as the others have flown the coop.  We will have to ask my blogging friend Claude from France what a French hen looks like as I think the is a loose interpretation in it's design.

There are not mallard ducks in the song of 12 Days of Christmas.  I bought this on a sale after Christmas.  I am not in the mood to put up the next tree but maybe tomorrow.

We attended the funeral of our dear friend John Kim today.  He was buried in our new State Veteran's Cemetery near Van Meter, Iowa.  I was doing ok through the funeral until his granddaughter got up and sang the last song.  She was 7 or 8 years old and sang  Amazing Grace.  That was tough enough for me to get through and then instantly pops in two bagpipers playing the same.  The played the song through and then escorted the casket out of the church.  John was so deserving of it all.

Thanks for stopping is short and we need to appreciate every moment.


  1. Sorry about your friend. I can somehow see this little girl sing Amazing Grace and it gives me goosebumps. Jack spoke at both his parents funerals and it was God who got him through it. That was very difficult, but was such a blessing.
    BTW, you and Della need to watch your mailbox. That's all I'm going to say. ;D

  2. Hi Larry, Funerals are just hard sometimes..the little girl singing would have been difficult for me too..perhaps she felt it was a gift to the rest of the family. I always like bagpipes but have only been to one funeral with them was such a haunting sound. Keep your chin up Larry:)

  3. I know the granddaughter's message in song was very moving. John Kim certainly touched a lot of lives and I know he is missed so much. My prayers are with you all.
