Monday, December 27, 2010

Monday's mutterings.......

Aaron and Keegan are our two kids that live in Maine.  They sent us this mobile for Christmas.  It is made from beach glass.  I have written about sea glass before as being the disposed glass items that have washed ashore on the beaches.  The waves have polished it among the rocks and sand and eventually it comes to surface in the sand.

I have reviewed two different books about the abundance of the material along the eastern coastline, especially along the Maine coast. Divers go down in protected harbors and bring up China dishes and doll heads.  Ceramic bowls and glass pieces from bottles are found in harbors and along the shore.

Goose Rock Designs is the company that made this chime.  It is recommended not to place it outside where the wind is strong.  Iowa's 60 mile and hour wind storms would destroyed it so we will probably hang it in a window.  It sounds wonderful and the colors are great.

This is a view of our driveway that has not been cleared.  The leftover plants and shrub portray a still life in the foreground.

The redtwig dogwood looks great against the snow.  I took this Sunday afternoon.

This morning I took this view of the same bush looking over the top of it.  The frost is covering every shrub and tree right now but soon it will seem like it is snowing as it falls off the branches and floats to the ground.

Thanks for stopping by...........


  1. Those wind chimes are just beautiful. I love the colours. Such a thoughtful gift.

  2. That is such a pretty wind chime. I collected beach glass when I live near the ocean; there would be a lot of greens and blues.
    Your driveway looks like ours we got about 18" of snow and very windy. It was a very fine snow that didn't really stick to the trees; it is bitterly cold out!
    ☼ Sunny

  3. Brrrrr .... I am freezing after looking at all your snow, but it is so beautiful. I also love the sea glass windchimes. A window sounds like the perfect place to hang them. Happy New Year to you and Della!

  4. Your glass mobile/wind chime is really pretty. When I was younger I had some glass wind chimes that made the nicest tinkling sounds in the are right though...they broke in a high wind. I have never been able to find a replacement for them. Your kids did a nice job selecting this one. You will enjoy it for many years.

  5. what a precious gift you have !!!
    the mobile made with natural stuffs from the sea
    I think it is very special from your kids..
    the music and the beautiful colors

  6. The wind chime is beautiful. I love those colours.

  7. Beautiful glass chime..the colors are very pretty..and it is a wonderful reminder of children far away! Your frosty photo are had lotza frost! :)

  8. Gorgeous, especially the hoarfrost on the plants in that last shot! We got some this morning and I hurried out and got some shots of it before the sun melted it off. Love it when we get it!
