Wednesday, December 15, 2010


As we put the last of the ornaments on our large tree in the living room, my wife and I both experienced some sadness.  Some of the ornaments are gifts from friends who aren't living anymore. A lot of them my mom created from yarn, and many of them are from people whom my brothers are not married to anymore.  Della brought ornaments into the collection when we married and there are ornaments which were for her Dad while he was living here with us.  We also bought ornaments to remember trips to Kansas City.  Andy and Aaron have musical ornaments of the ones they played in jazz band and home made ones from aunts with their names on them. There is a green elephant made by a teacher friend of mine who made it for Andy when he was born in December of 1975. 

One wouldn't always think of it as a family history record, but it is a record of those who cross your paths as you live life.  Family, friends and experiences that you don't ever forget. Our tree is loaded down now and when it is daylight I will try to photograph it parts of it. 

We both are meeting deadlines of products for customers for Christmas.  We both are really stressed out as it doesn't seem like we will get it all done.  The demands of artwork that Della does and the last stray framing has always stolen our time getting ready for Christmas.  We have packages to buy and to mail out soon. 

We have minimal plans this year for family plans but we do want to keep doing the traditions.  We will have each other this Christmas and will meet with Della's brother and sister in law sometime on the day.  We maybe will be done by then with all the work and will be able to rest and enjoy the day. 

We have a new layer of snow on the ground this Wednesday evening and they promise freezing rain and more snow.  Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. What a wonderful thing your tree is and all those ornaments, each one of which is a memory.

  2. What a nice picture L.D. and a lovely story about the ornaments covering your tree. I do hope you and your DW are able to finish the things to need to finish and are able to sit back and relax.


  3. So pretty. yes, we get sad this time of year too, thinking of those no longer with us....
    be careful with all that stress with are supposed to be retired, remember?? LOL

  4. Larry, sounds like you're even busier now that you've retired. Take care with your stress levels and try to find a bit of peace. Easier said than done, I know.

  5. I know the feeling..the touch of sadness. BUT each one of those ornaments was given in love and friendship..and that should make you happy! :)
