Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Under the tree.....

I set up my dad's train set under my small tree.  It was a gift to my dad many years ago from one of my brothers.  I think that there is track for it but it needs to be found up in the storage room.

Here is the middle of the train. 

The caboose is one of my favorite cars on the train.  It is sad that they have eliminated them from the trains here in the United States.  I know the new technology makes it easier to keep track of the back of the train and they don't need to man a whole car at the end of the line of cars.

My one brother didn't take many things from my parents home.  I know if he ever asked for it, I would gladly send it to him.  I don't know if he remembers sending the gift to my dad.  The set actually has another modern looking engine and six or eight more cars.

I have one small frame job left to do and all of our shipping of packages is done.  We have one large order to be picked up, Della's four framed commissioned artworks went out the door today, and two other frame jobs are to be picked up soon. Della just sold an artwork over the internet so we will ship that out immediately tomorrow.  The dust really is settling around here even though it doesn't sound like it.

Our shopping for others is actually done too, but my wife and I are headed to the mall Wednesday morning to do a little shopping for each other.  We will be getting together with my wife's brother and his wife on Christmas day and we are looking forward to relaxing and taking it easy.

The weather forecast seems to be unpredictable. It is said a snow storm is coming and then maybe by Christmas day it will quiet down.  We will just wait and see what happens.

Thanks for stopping by............


  1. The train is a perfect compliment to your tree. Do your pets pay much attention to the Christmas decor?

  2. Barney and Button leave everything alone. They are so good about the decorations except they didn't like us moving the furniture around in the living room. It took a couple of days for them to figure it all out.

  3. You have the most fun decorations of anyone I know and now this wonderful train. Your house must truly be magical :)
    ☼ Sunny

  4. That's such a classic scene to see a train under the tree. Lovely.

  5. The train looks perfect under the tree. It does sound like you and your wife have been very busy. I hope you get some time to relax and enjoy Christmas.
